Do You Know... Fall22

Welcome to TRElks Trivia: Fall 2022 Edition

Let's see what you know about the Elkdom around you!

First Question: What are the lodges in your district?

Answer: Check out the districts below and what lodges are in yours.

Second Question: Who is the State President for New York?

Answer: The President for the 2022-2023 NY Elk Year is Cam Ricci from Herkimer Lodge No. 1439 (which turned 100 years this year). His motto for this year is: Elkdom Family, Friends & Fellowship. To learn more about our state president click on this link: Lean More About Cam!

Question Number Three: Who is The Grand Exalted Ruler?

Answer: The Grand Exalted Ruler for the Elk Year of 2022-2023 is Bruce Hidley from the Watervliet-Colonie Lodge No. 1500. His motto for this year in Elkdom is: Promoting Elkdom with Enthusiasm! The Grand Exalted Ruler is the like the national president of all of Elkdom. It is normally a one year term and the GER is elected to office at the Elks National Convention ( Bruce was elected to office in Atlanta, Georgia). To learn more about our GER click on this link: Learn More About Bruce!

Fourth Question: What does DDGER stand for?

Answer: District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler. This is a Grand Lodge officer that is assigned to each district in each state. They represent the Grand Exalted Ruler in their district, hold District Deputy Clinics, and have official visits to each lodge in their district. The DDGER gets installed at Grand Lodge the same day the Grand Exalted Ruler gets installed.

Fifth Question: Who is your DDGER?

Answer: Your DDGER is the DDGER of your district. Check below to see if you know who your DDGER is.

Sixth Question: What does the NY Major Project support?

Answer: CP of NYS is a broad-based, multi-service organization encompassing 24 Affiliates and 18,000 employees providing services and programs for more than 100,000 individuals with cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities, as well as resources for families. Learn More Click Here: CP of NYS

Answers gathered from the NYS Elks Association's website: NYS Elks Online