Mental Health Teaching Resources

Learning with anxiety, the impact of anxiety on the learner, and how to help.

Anxiety education for youth and teens, Including content, activities, and videos. 

K-12 social and emotional learning curriculum.

Be a warrior not a worrier - a video on fighting anxiety and fear.

Digital citizenship, expert advice, family engagement resources, free monthly webinars, games for students, videos, toolkits, lesson plans, posters, and more!

The best books to teach kids self regulation, mindfulness, and self control.

A TED talk by writer, Mandy Len Catron and the importance of the way we talk about love as this fundamentally shapes how we experience it.

This documentary on the the current state of youth mental health in Saskatchewan. 

Down - A suicide prevention film.

A program designed to help teens understand how substance use can get in the way of having the life they want.

Everything you need to run an exam preparation and study skill "crash course". 

Explore and understand the mental health issues that affect young people with these free online courses from FutureLearn. 

A toolkit has been designed to promote positive mental health practices and perspectives within the school environment.  

Free Moodle courses covering a range of mental health topics.

Lessons and activities on mental health, nutrition and fitness, and substance use.

Free To Be is a research-backed positive body image program for youth in grades five to eight. 

The Early Childhood Mental Health Padlet is a resource that helps users learn more about early childhood mental health, discover the factors that influence early childhood mental health, and examine the impact of COVID-19 on early childhood mental health.