Challenging Behaviours

Explains types of aggressive behaviour, identifies related factors, distinguishes between normal and concerning behaviour, and gives advice on how to address aggression in youth, including proven prevention and intervention strategies.

A two-part series that discusses problem behavior in terms of the stages of the acting-out cycle and suggests ways to respond to students in the cycle's different phases.

Select the student behaviour to begin. Then you will work through a series of descriptions and suggestions for what you can do to help that student.

Breaking the 'random positive attention' cycle with students.

A 6-step blue-print for building an academic 'motivation trap'.

Strategies to help calm an agitated student.

Strategies to help create a positive classroom culture.

Establishing a comprehensive classroom behavior management system.

Ideas to avoid the power-struggle.

Communications to help teachers with defiant students.

Developing behaviour management rules that are developmentally appropriate.

Motivating Students: A 6-Part Toolkit Workshop

New Teacher Survival Guide: ADHD In The Classroom

Positive Discipline is based on the understanding that discipline must be taught and that discipline teaches.

School wide strategies to support various challenging behaviours.

Strategies for working with students who are emotionally unpredictable.