The fleet of the sone of Milidh came to Ireland at the end of this year,to take it from the Tuatha De Dananns; and they fought the battle of SliabhMis with them on the third day after landing. In this battle fell Scota, thedaughter of Pharaoh, wife of Milidh; and the grave of Scota is to be seenbetween Sliabh Mis and the sea. Therein also fell Fas, the wife of Un, son ofUige, from whom is named Gleann Faisi. After this the sons of Milidh foughta battle at Tailtinn, against the three kinge of the Tuatha De Dananns, MacCuill, Mac Ceacht, and Mac Greine. The battle lasted for a long time, untilMac Ceacht fell by Eiremhon, Mac Cuill by Eimhear, and Mac Greine byAmhergin.Their three queens were also slain; Eire by Suirghe, Fodhla by Edan, andBanba by Caicher. The battle was at length gained against the Tuatha DeDananns, and they were slaughtered wherever they were overtaken. There fellfrom the sons of Milidh, on the other hand, two illustrious chieftains, infollowing up the rout, namely Fuad at Sliabh Fuaid, and Cuailgne at SliabhCuailgne.

This was the first year of Eochaidh Eadghadhach, as king over Ireland.He was called Eochaidh Eadghadhach because it was by him the variety ofcolour was first put on clothes in Ireland, to distinguishthe honour of each by his raiment, from the lowest to the highest. Thuswas the distinction made between them: one colour in the clothes of slaves;two in the clothes of soldiers; three in the clothes of goodly heroes, oryoung lords of territories; six in the clothes of ollavs; seven in theclothes of kings and queens.

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Fearghus, son of Colman Mor, Prince of Meath, was slain by Anfartach UaMeascain, of Muintir Blaitine, of which these lines were composed:If he should come to my house, Ua Meascain Anfartach, Poisoned water I will give to him, for the slaying of Fearghus. Whatever time the forces of the race of Colman shall march by Cuilne, After a month they will put from their seat the Sil Meascain, with the Blaitini,

Doir, son of Aedh Allainn, was slain by Failbhe Flann Fidhbhadh, as heFailbhe himself said:What advantage to me is the slaying of Dair, as I did not slay Dairene? It is then one kills the chaffer, when he destroys his young ones.

A slaughter was made of the South Leinstermen at Fulachta, by the Osraighi,wherein Dunog, son of Anmchadh, and Dubhthoirthrigh, son of Maelduin, wereslain, together with two hundred men, who were cut off by slaying anddrowning. 2351a5e196

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