Equilibrating the system is standard. We first minimize the system energy, then perform short (100 ps) NVT and NPT simulations at 300K and 1 bar. Run parameters are typical: the timestep is 1 fs, Coulomb interactions are computed using Particle-Mesh Ewald (PME), and Lennard-Jones interactions are computed with a 1.2 nm cutoff. The MD parameter (.mdp) files em.mdp, nvt.mdp, and npt.mdp are included in the tarball of input files below.

For the solution and pure solvent systems, the system is first minimized with min.mdp and is then equilibrated with nvt.mdp and further with npt.mdp.

Similarly, the isolated solute is minimized and equilibrated with solute_min.mdp and solute_eq.mdp.

After the equilibration, get the output trajectory as the xtc file.

All bond lengths may be constrained for speeding up calculation.

For detailed instruction consult the GROMACS manual.

Nvt.mdp Download

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Generate a binary run input file (TPR) to minimize,NVT-NPT equilibrate the system, and start the production run of the molecular dynamics simulation, using the corresponding molecular dynamics parameter file (MDP):> gmx grompp -f MMPSM/MD/min.mdp -c MMPSM/Config/solute_solvent.gro -p MMPSM/FF/topol.top -o MMPSM/MD/em.tpr> gmx mdrun -v -deffnm em>> gmx grompp -f MMPSM/MD/nvt.mdp -c MMPSM/MD/em.gro -p MMPSM/FF/topol.top -o MMPSM/MD/nvt.tpr> gmx mdrun -v -deffnm nvt>> gmx grompp -f MMPSM/MD/npt.mdp -c MMPSM/MD/nvt.gro -p MMPSM/FF/topol.top -o MMPSM/MD/npt.tpr> gmx mdrun -v -deffnm npt>> gmx grompp -f MMPSM/MD/md.mdp -c MMPSM/MD/npt.gro -p MMPSM/FF/topol.top -o MMPSM/MD/md.tpr> gmx mdrun -v -deffnm md>

The system should now be relatively free of strain. Time to turn up the heat, and start to couple the system to the heat bath. In other words, a short run will be performed in which the temperature coupling is turned on and the system is allowed to relax to the new conditions. Download the control parameter file nvt.mdp and have a look at the temperature coupling parameters in it. Then run the simulation, using grompp and mdrun:

8) Next we will perform short (100 fs) MD simulation with QM. At first look into the md-nvt.mdp file:

less md-nvt.mdp

It contains parameters for performing dynamics with QM forces in the NVT ensemble at 300K

9) Generate Gromacs-CP2K simulation file:

gmx_cp2k grompp -f md-nvt.mdp -p topol.top -c conf.gro -o nma-nvt.tpr

files nma-nvt.tpr, nma-nvt.inp and nma-nvt.pdb should appear in the directory

This can take a couple of minutes. Employ them to inspect nvt.mdp file: it is quite different from minim.mdp. The most important parameter is ref_t, which defines the reference temperature to be employed throughout the simulation. Here we report only some lines for the sake of brevity: 17dc91bb1f

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