SPP 2377 Mini-Workshop: 

NVM Memories and Hardware Architectures

Date: Thursday, 30th March 

Location: H120, Technologiefabrik, Karlsruhe. Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/3tfCStBE9NVDuwi57


10:15 AM Arrival / Coffee

10:30 AM Opening Remarks

10:45 AM Invited Talk

11:30 AM Research talks Each talk is 20 minutes (15 minutes talk, 5 minutes discussion and Q/A)

From every project, we plan to have a 15 minute talk about ideas, recent developments, goals, and open problems. 

1:00 PM Lunch

2:30 PM Introduction to TECS Tutorial Papers (Jian-Jia Chen)

3:00 PM Infrastructure Talks Each talk is 20 minutes (15 minutes talk, 5 minutes discussion and Q/A)

Presentations about your infrastructure (simulation tools, prototypes, etc.)

4:00 PM Coffee / Brainstorming

4:30 PM Tutorial Paper Discussions / Next Steps

5:00 PM  5:15 PM Closing Remarks