Taking advantage of PhysX, CUDA, DirectX 11, and 3D Vision, Supersonic Sled strapped you on a high-powered test rocket and hurtled you down a six-mile-long track in the Nevada desert at speeds in excess of 800 miles an hour. Every moving object in the demo was physically simulated using PhysX and CUDA.

To demonstrate how powerful vertex and fragment shaders could create effects that were not possible before, the Clear Sailing demo sent a pirate ship to outrun the most feared captain of the royal navy.

Nvidia New Dawn Demo Download

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I never had a Nvidia GPU and few weeks ago I got my hands on an old computer with a "fabulous" GT 610. I started going through old Nvidia tech demos on their website that I previously couldn't run on my ATI/AMD GPUs.

Today I noticed all Nvidia's tech demos with female characters are removed from the official Nvidia website; Dusk, Dawn, Nalu, Luna, Adrianne, Medusa and A New Dawn are all gone. I last accessed the website on September 22nd when those were still there, so this removal happened during the last week.

It is obvious they are very specific about what is being removed or "canceled" how they call it these days. I think old Matrox, Ati, Nvidia and even Futuremark benchmarks and demoscene are a very unique technological art form showing both the evolution of computer graphics hardware and programming and should stay accessible to public. For millennia other art forms have been depicting women and those are not being removed from museums and public spaces...yet. Even ignoring the artistic aspects of them, they have a very important practical value today, like how our member here Dege uses DirectX and Glide based demos to test his dgVoodoo.

Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with this. I honestly doubt someone at Nvidia, looked at a bunch of old tech demos with skimpy latex suited girls and intentionally decided to play sides by removing them.

They're old. They don't represent Nvidia's current linup. They don't show off any of Nvidia's latest tech. To the average Nvidia employee, they probably arnt worth perserving. Maybe they just wanna leave the era of cheesy action movie CGI character demos from the early 2000s behind. Who knows.

System Windows 7 x64 SP1. I downloaded and installed the NVidia demo "Dawn" (Geforce FX Series) international.download.nvidia.com/downl ... s/Dawn.

When I run the demo (Dawn Ultra shortcut) on Geforce GTX 670, driver version 337.88 there are no errors in the textures. Newer versions of the driver up to version 345.20, observed errors in image textures on the body (body is divided into two parts, one body part is darker than the other). Also, it is observed on Geforce GTX 980. How to fix this error in the driver?

Screenshots of the error in the textures:

Select "Submit Bug" and follow the directions. That said, I doubt they will rank this a very high priority since this is a tech demo designed for a specific piece of hardware that's over ten years old. Of course if this bug also exists in commercial software that uses similar/equivalent functions that's another story, and if you can recreate this in a specific game or application beyond the Dawn tech demo, I'd probably lean more on that.

Also, if I remember right, the Dawn Ultra demo itself isn't designed to be run on anything but GeForce FX 5800 series. That doesn't mean it *can't* be run on anything but FX 5800, but it's primarily designed for that card. So they may completely ignore your request because GTX 670 is not the target device. Does the "normal" Dawn demo run correctly on GTX 670? (I've honestly never had a mind to try ancient tech demos on modern hardware, so I've got no idea; I know this demo works properly on FX 5800 with relatively modern (by GeForce FX standards) drivers). It also appears they've taken the Dawn Ultra demo off of their website - they still provide Dawn, and Dusk Ultra, but no links to Dawn Ultra. ?

Ultra model, shaders and config files are part of the Dawn demo that I downloaded. I don't know how to invoke it though, there is only one executable. Maybe it depends on video card Device ID. There's probably a command line switch to force it into Ultra mode? -Ultra or /Ultra doesn't do anything.

I also tried it on Quadro FX 1700, and it will animate the Ultra mode mostly correctly - there are some lighting issues, and the camera controls don't respond as they should, but no "body in half" problems. I also could not get it to properly screen-grab. I'm not sure if that's Windows 7 causing trouble, or another issue with the demo being run on non-FX hardware.

This is obviously a driver bug, probably with regards to something the lighting or skin shader's doing, as it used to work fine. Report it to Nvidia, they fixed a bug that occurred in the New Dawn demo that I reported on the 780 Ti when it was first released.

"Dawn" is a demonstration that was created by NVIDIA Corporation to introduce the GeForce FX product line and illustrate how a high-level language (such as HLSL or Cg) could be used to create a realistic human character. The vertex shaders deform a high-resolution mesh through indexed skinning and morph targets, and they provide setup for the lighting model used in the fragment shaders. The skin and wing fragment shaders offer both range and detail that could not have been achieved before the introduction of advanced programmable graphics hardware. See Figure 4-1.

The modeling, texturing, and animation of the Dawn character were done primarily in Alias Systems' Maya package. We therefore based our mesh animation methods on the tool set the software provides. We have since created a similar demo ("Dusk," used to launch the GeForce FX 5900) in discreet's 3ds max package, using the same techniques; these methods are common to a variety of modeling packages and not tied to any single workflow. The methods used in these two demos are (indexed) skinning, where vertices are influenced by a weighted array of matrices, and weighted morph targets, used to drive the emotions on Dawn's face.

We wanted our morph targets to influence both the vertex position and the basis (that is, the normal, binormal, and tangent) so that they might influence the lighting performed in the fragment shader. At first it would seem that one would just execute the previous lines for position, normal, binormal, and tangent, but it is easy to run out of vertex input registers. When we wrote the "Dawn" and "Dusk" demos, the GPU could map a maximum of 16 per-vertex input attributes. The mesh must begin with the neutral position, normal, binormal, texture coordinate, bone weights, and bone indices (described later), leaving 10 inputs open for morph targets. We might have mapped the tangent as well, but we opted to take the cross product of the normal and binormal in order to save one extra input.

In the "Dawn" demo, we drive a mesh of more than 180,000 triangles with a skeleton of 98 bones. We found that four matrices per vertex was more than enough to drive the body and head, so each vertex had to have four bone indices and four bone weights stored as vertex input attributes (the last two of the 16 xyzw vertex registers mentioned in Section 4.3.2). We sorted bone weights and bone indices so that we could rewrite the vertex shader to artificially truncate the number of bones acting on the vertex if we required higher vertex performance. Note that if you do this, you must also rescale the active bone weights so that they continue to add up to 1.

In the case of the "Dawn" demo, morph targets were used to drive only the expressions on the head. If we had had more time, we would have used morph targets all over the body to solve problems with simple skinning. Even a well-skinned mesh has the problem that elbows, knees, and other joints lose volume when rotated. This is because the mesh bends but the joint does not get "fatter" to compensate for the pressing of flesh against flesh. A morph target or other mesh deformation applied either before or after the skinning step could provide this soft, fleshy deformation and create a more realistic result. We have done some work on reproducing the variety of mesh deformers provided in digital content-creation tools, and we look forward to applying them in the future.

In A New Dawn, the demo starts not with the main character, but with a sweeping overview of a lush rainforest. Ferns gently sway in the moonlight, vines sprawl across an ancient tree, and budding flowers cast a gentle glow on the surrounding bark. As our character comes into view, we find her swinging on a vine in her new tree home. The tree is rendered to the finest level of detail using DirectX 11 tessellation. At its peak, over four million triangles are used to showcase Dawn's environment.

Fast forward ten years, and NVIDIA has brought back Dawn once again, in a demo simply titled "A New Dawn". The original Dawn demo had many merits, but due to the limitations of hardware at the time, it also took many short cuts. One of the most obvious was the fact that Dawn didn't really have a home. Fairies, as we all know, live in the depth of mysterious forests, but for Dawn, her home was a giant glowing cube mapa six-sided texture that represented the environment around her. She had no trees to climb, no bees or butterflies to play with. She was a very lonely fairy.

The original Dawn demo used a very simple but effective technique to simulate one aspect of skin shading called rim lighting. It worked by isolating the silhouette of the character and letting light from behind the character bleed through, giving an illusion of translucent skin. This worked well for the silhouette when exposed to strong light, but was less convincing for other portions of the character.

A New Dawn uses a complex but efficient sub-surface scattering shader, first pioneered with the Luna demo introduced with the GeForce 7800 GTX. To smartly manage workload, the new skin shader dynamically selects the number of samples to filter, depending on how visible the surface is. Detail maps are used to capture fine hairs, bumps, and skin imperfections. Four independent textures describe the oil content of the skin. e24fc04721

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