Nutrisystem Review: Does It Work For Weight Loss? - Healthline

Are you looking for an effective way to lose weight? If so, Nutrisystem might be the right choice for you. This popular diet plan has been around since 1972 and has helped thousands of people reach their weight loss goals. But does it actually work? In this review, we'll explore the science behind Nutrisystem and its effectiveness for losing weight.

Nutrisystem is a meal delivery service that provides customers with pre-made meals tailored to their individual needs and preferences. All meals are portion-controlled, calorie-controlled, and contain the right mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to support your weight loss goals. The company also offers helpful lifestyle tips on nutrition, exercise, and other aspects of healthy living. With Nutrisystem, there's no need to count calories or struggle with meal planning - everything has already been taken care of for you!

In this article, we'll take a closer look at Nutrisystem's program and see if it really works as advertised. We'll examine scientific evidence regarding the diet's effectiveness for weight loss as well as explore customer reviews from real users who've tried it out themselves. So if you're ready to find out if Nutrisystem could help you achieve your desired results, keep reading!

Nutrisystem is a popular weight loss program that provides pre-packaged meals and snacks to help dieters reach their goals. It's touted as an easy, convenient way to lose weight without having to count calories or measure portions. But does Nutrisystem really work for weight loss? In this article, we'll review the evidence on Nutrisystem and its effectiveness for weight loss.

Nutrisystem is based on portion control and meal replacement. It provides pre-packaged meals that are designed to be low in calories and high in protein. The food is sent directly to your door and you can choose from a variety of plans, including vegetarian, diabetic, and gluten-free options. Each meal plan includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks.

Research has shown that following a structured diet like the one provided by Nutrisystem can help people lose more weight than those who don't follow a structured diet plan. As with any diet program, it's important to make sure you're eating balanced meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables while following the plan. With proper nutrition and exercise, Nutrisystem can help you reach your goals for long-term weight loss success.

Benefits Of Nutrisystem

Nutrisystem offers many benefits to those looking to lose weight. It's convenient, affordable, and provides a variety of meal options. The program focuses on portion control and encourages balanced meals that are low in fat and calories. Additionally, there’s no need to count calories or measure out servings as the meals are pre-portioned. The program also includes access to health professionals who can address any questions or concerns regarding nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices.

The system also offers a wide range of snacks, bars, shakes, desserts, and other treats that can be enjoyed without guilt. The food is tasty and satisfying which helps make it easier for dieters to stick with the program. Plus Nutrisystem provides tips for transitioning off the program as well as guidance for maintaining weight loss over time.

Nutrisystem is an effective way to jumpstart your weight loss journey and achieve lasting results. With its convenient delivery system and structured meal plan, it makes it easier than ever before to reach your health goals.

Meal Options And Recipes

Nutrisystem offers a selection of meal options and recipes to suit your individual needs and preferences. From healthy, nutritionally balanced meals to delicious snacks and desserts, Nutrisystem provides a range of options that can help you reach your diet goals. With the variety of choices available, you'll be sure to find something to satisfy your cravings.

The Nutrisystem meal plans allow you to customize your meals and snacks according to your own dietary requirements. You can choose from a wide selection of dishes such as lean proteins, fresh vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and dairy products. There are also vegetarian options available. Plus, with the easy-to-follow instructions included in each box or online delivery, it's simple to prepare meals that are both nutritious and delicious.

For those who want more flexibility in their diet plan, there are also plenty of recipes available online for creating tasty dishes using the foods provided by Nutrisystem. Whether you're looking for quick and easy meal ideas or creative recipes for special occasions, there's something for everyone on the Nutrisystem menu. With these recipes at your fingertips, you'll have no problem sticking with your diet plan while still enjoying flavorful meals.

Cost And Availability

The cost of Nutrisystem largely depends on the plan you choose. The basic Core plan starts at $10 per day, while the Uniquely Yours plus plan costs around $12.50 a day. However, if you purchase an auto-delivery plan and commit to several weeks or months of food, you can get discounts up to 40%. Furthermore, there are often other promotions that grant discounts or free shipping and handling.

Nutrisystem is widely available, as most major grocery stores sell its products and meal plans can be purchased online directly from the company's website. So it's easy to access no matter where you live. Plus, Nutrisystem has a mobile app for tracking your progress and making meal plans easier than ever.

The convenience of Nutrisystem makes it an attractive option for those who want to lose weight without having to shop for and prepare meals themselves. With affordable prices, convenient delivery options and a wide variety of meal plans designed to fit almost every lifestyle and budget, Nutrisystem can help make weight loss simpler and more accessible than ever before.

Pros And Cons

Moving on from the cost and availability of Nutrisystem, it's time to consider the pros and cons of this weight loss program. Nutrisystem has many advantages over other standard diets. For starters, meals are pre-prepared and portioned so dieters don't have to worry about counting calories or tracking macronutrients. Furthermore, the meal plan is designed in such a way that it helps users develop healthier eating habits for long-term success. On top of that, Nutrisystem provides dieters with additional resources like online support groups and counseling sessions which can make sticking to the program easier.

On the other hand, there are some drawbacks associated with Nutrisystem too. Since all meals are provided by the company, users may not learn how to cook healthy meals on their own. Additionally, some people may find the taste of Nutrisystem's food unappealing or find it difficult to stick to a single plan over an extended period of time. Additionally, while Nutrisystem does provide its customers with grocery lists for healthy sides and snacks, these items will need to be purchased separately at grocery stores.

In summary, while there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with using Nutrisystem for weight loss, this program can be effective if used consistently and correctly over a period of time. In order for users to maximize their chances of successfully losing weight with this program, they should take advantage of all available resources such as counseling sessions and online support groups offered by the company.

Weight Loss Plan Comparison

Comparing the different weight loss plans can help you choose which plan is best for you. Nutrisystem is a meal delivery program that has been around since the 1970s. It offers pre-packaged, portion-controlled meals and snacks that are delivered to your door. The meals are nutritionally balanced and include sources of lean protein, fiber, and healthy fats. On the other hand, Weight Watchers is a point-based system that assigns points to food based on calorie count, fat content, and fiber content. It also provides weekly meetings to help members stay motivated and accountable for their eating habits.

When choosing between Nutrisystem and Weight Watchers, it’s important to consider factors like cost, convenience, and effectiveness. Nutrisystem is often more affordable than Weight Watchers because there’s no need for additional ingredients or membership fees; it's all included in the price of the meal plan. Additionally, Nutrisystem meals are ready-to-eat so they’re convenient for those who don't have time to prepare meals from scratch every day. Lastly, both plans have proven effective for weight loss when combined with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

All things considered, each weight loss plan has its own benefits and drawbacks depending on your individual needs. Ultimately, only you can decide which plan will work best for you and how much effort you're willing to put into reaching your goals.

Scientific Evidence For Nutrisystem's Effectiveness

Scientific evidence supports the effectiveness of Nutrisystem for weight loss. A study published in the journal Obesity found that participants who followed a Nutrisystem program lost an average of 13 pounds after 12 weeks, compared to 4 pounds for those following a standard diet.

In another study, researchers found that people who used Nutrisystem's pre-portioned meals for 16 weeks lost 8.3 percent of their body weight and saw a decrease in waist circumference. The participants also reported improved well-being and quality of life scores when compared to those on a control diet.

The results of these studies demonstrate that Nutrisystem can help with weight loss, as well as improving overall health and quality of life. It is important to note that while Nutrisystem can aid weight loss, it should not be seen as a replacement for regular exercise and healthy eating habits.

Nutrisystem Side Effects

Considering all the positive effects of Nutrisystem, one may think that it doesn't have any side effects. However, there are some potential side effects to be aware of. It's important to note that these side effects vary from person to person and that not everyone experiences them.

One of the most common side effects associated with Nutrisystem is constipation. This can be caused by a decrease in dietary fiber intake, as well as an increase in consumption of processed foods. To counteract this, it's recommended to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables while following the program. Additionally, drinking at least eight glasses of water per day can help alleviate this issue.

Headaches and muscle cramps are also possible side effects associated with Nutrisystem. These may occur due to the body being deprived of certain vitamins or minerals found in whole foods. To prevent them from happening, it's important to make sure you're getting enough key nutrients like iron, calcium and Vitamin D through foods such as lean meats, dairy products and leafy greens. Taking a multivitamin supplement on top of following the program can also help ensure your body is receiving all the essential vitamins and minerals needed for optimal health.

Overall, Nutrisystem is generally safe for those who follow it properly and take into account any potential side effects they may experience along the way. By eating a balanced diet full of nutrient-rich whole foods while using the program as recommended, you can successfully reach your weight loss goals without experiencing any serious adverse reactions.

Is Nutrisystem Right For You?

Nutrisystem is a popular commercial weight-loss program that offers pre-made meals and snacks delivered directly to your home. It is designed to help people lose weight without having to count calories, track food intake, or measure portion sizes. But is Nutrisystem right for you?

The system offers a variety of meal plans tailored to different goals and dietary preferences, so it's important to consider what type of plan would best suit your lifestyle. Those who are looking for an easy way to control portions and eat healthier may find Nutrisystem beneficial. The program also provides access to counselors and dieticians who can offer additional guidance on how to reach your weight loss goals.

While Nutrisystem can be helpful in jumpstarting weight loss, it's important to note that the program isn't meant as a long-term solution. Once you stop following the meal plan, you may regain some or all the weight you lost. To ensure lasting success, it's important to continue developing healthy eating habits such as tracking caloric intake and exercising regularly after completing the program.

How To Maximize Results With Nutrisystem

To maximize your results with Nutrisystem, it’s important to stick to the program. This means following the meal plan and eating the right portion sizes that are recommended for you. It may also be beneficial to exercise regularly and stay active while following this program. Additionally, drinking enough water throughout the day is also important for helping your body function properly and stay healthy.

Monitoring your progress is another way to maximize results with Nutrisystem. Keeping track of how much weight you’ve lost each week can help you stay motivated and on track with your goals. You can do this by taking measurements of your waist, hips, or other areas where you may have gained or lost fat. Tracking your meals can also help ensure that you’re eating the right foods in the right amounts and sticking to the program.

Nutrisystem provides an array of tools and resources that can help ensure success with their program. For example, they offer online support groups where members can share their experiences and get advice from others who are following a similar plan. They also provide access to dietitians who can give personalized guidance on nutrition and meal planning as well as answer any questions about the program. All these resources can be extremely useful when trying to maximize results with Nutrisystem.

Alternatives To Nutrisystem

Switching to a healthier lifestyle isn't easy, and Nutrisystem is just one of the many options available for those looking to make a change. There are a variety of alternatives for those who want to lose weight without using Nutrisystem's program.

One alternative is portion control. This involves measuring out how much food you eat and making sure it is healthy choices. This allows you to still enjoy the foods you love while being mindful of your portions. Another option is calorie tracking. This means keeping track of the calories that you take in each day and staying within an allotted range. Both methods can be effective in helping you reach your weight loss goals, but they require dedication and discipline on your part.

Exercising regularly is another key component in any successful weight loss plan. Regular physical activity helps burn calories and can help decrease body fat percentage. You don't have to become a gym-goer overnight; start slowly with activities like walking or jogging, and then gradually increase the intensity as you grow stronger and more comfortable with exercise routines. Additionally, there are plenty of at-home workouts available online that require no equipment—allowing you to get fit from the comfort of your own home. With all these options available, there's no excuse not to find something that works for you!

Nutrition Guidelines For Healthy Eating

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health and achieving or maintaining a healthy weight. Nutrisystem provides an effective nutrition plan, but it's important to understand the basic principles of healthy eating. These guidelines can help you make the most of your meals and snacks on the program.

First, focus on nutrient-dense foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products. When selecting packaged products from Nutrisystem, look for those that are low in fat, sugar and sodium. Avoid processed foods as much as possible since they are often high in unhealthy fats, sugar and/or sodium.

It’s also important to control portion sizes when eating meals or snacks from Nutrisystem. Don't exceed recommended portions as this can lead to weight gain over time. Additionally, be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated while following the program.

By following these simple nutrition guidelines while on Nutrisystem, you can ensure that you're getting adequate amounts of essential nutrients while losing weight safely and effectively.

Questions To Ask Your Doctor Before Starting A Diet Plan

Before embarking on any diet plan, it's important to ask your doctor questions to ensure that the plan you choose is safe and effective. The following are some of the key questions to consider:

What are the potential risks associated with this diet? It's important to understand all of the potential risks involved in a diet plan before starting it. Be sure to ask your healthcare provider if there are any side effects associated with the diet, or if certain medical conditions may make it unsafe for you.

What types of foods should I look out for? Ask your doctor what types of foods you should avoid while on the diet. Some foods may be high in fat and calories, while others may be low in nutrition. Make sure you know exactly what you should be eating and avoiding when following a diet plan.

Is this diet sustainable? Many diets can be difficult to maintain over time, so it's important to know if yours is sustainable long-term. Ask your doctor how long they recommend staying on the diet, and what changes you can make once you've achieved your desired weight loss goals.

Bottom Line: Should You Try Nutrisystem?

Overall, Nutrisystem is a convenient and effective way to lose weight. It offers portion-controlled meals that are easy to prepare, satisfying, and full of the nutrients your body needs. Research suggests that the program can be successful in helping you slim down and keep it off.

That said, it’s important to note that there are certain drawbacks to using Nutrisystem. For one thing, it can be an expensive option since you have to purchase the meal plans. Additionally, there is no flexibility when it comes to planning your own meals with fresh ingredients. That being said, if convenience and structure are what you need in order to reach your weight loss goals, then Nutrisystem may be worth considering.

Ultimately, whether or not the program works for you will depend on your individual needs and goals. If you’re looking for a comprehensive weight loss program that offers structure and convenience while still allowing some room for flexibility in terms of meal planning, then Nutrisystem may be right for you.

Tips For Successful Weight Loss

Successful weight loss requires more than just a diet plan. It takes commitment, dedication, and hard work. Here are some tips to help you make your weight loss journey successful:

First, set realistic goals for yourself. Don't try to lose too much too quickly; instead create daily or weekly goals that are achievable. This way you won't become discouraged if the scale doesn't move as quickly as you'd like it to.

Second, find activities that you enjoy doing and make them part of your daily routine. Exercise is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but it doesn't have to be boring or tedious. Find activities that you enjoy and look forward to doing them every day. Not only will this help keep you motivated in your weight loss journey, but it will also help improve your overall health.

Finally, work with a certified nutritionist or dietitian to create a meal plan that works for you. A professional can provide personalized advice on which foods to eat, how much of each food group should be included in your meals, and other helpful tips for achieving your weight loss goals. With their guidance, you can create a plan that fits into your lifestyle while still providing necessary nutrients for optimal health and weight management.


In conclusion, Nutrisystem can be an effective way to lose weight and improve overall health. Its meal options are varied, convenient, and affordable. Plus, the program follows nutrition guidelines for healthy eating that can help keep you on track with your diet plan.

Before starting any type of diet plan, it's important to check with a doctor first. They can provide valuable advice and make sure the plan is right for you.

If you're looking for an easy way to lose weight and improve your health, Nutrisystem could be a great option. With their convenient meal plans and variety of recipes, you'll have all the tools you need to succeed in reaching your goals. So don't wait any longer - give Nutrisystem a try today!