Discover Nurturing Wonders

Outdoor Early Education Center

 At Nurturing Wonders the environment is intentionally set up to encourage learning through play. Nurturing Wonders provides a flexible, relationship driven curriculum that is developed to meet the differentiating needs of our children. Children are natural investigators, scientists, mathematicians and artists just waiting for a creative space to embrace within. At Nurturing Wonders children are free to wonder, question, build, test, and deconstruct, again and again. There is no limit to one's imagination, creativity or freedom of self-expression. 


At Nurturing Wonders we strive to create a community of kind human beings who respect themselves and others, who can create healthy boundaries and who can appropriately express their feelings.  As children build trust and relationships with another, they are also developing and strengthening essential lifelong skills such as emotion regulation, confidence and conflict resolution.


We understand that children learn by social interaction amongst other peers; developing communication skills, delegating, and critical thinking.  As a mixed-age setting, children learn both from their older and younger peers: social awareness, risk assessment, language and communication or the development of intrinsic values such as empathy, honesty and patience.

Self Expression

Our prepared environment fosters creativity that encourages expression; a symbolic language used to express and understand each other such as art, music, story, and movement. This form of expression is central to the child's ability to communicate their individuality, understand their emotions, and engage with the world around them. 

Hands On Education

Through hands on learning children apply their senses to discover the world around them. Children explore different materials and textures, they compare weight, size, capacity, and explore other ways to identify, describe and measure. Science, math, reading, writing, etiquette, leadership; the list goes on and on of the wonderful things that could be learned through hands on.  

Nurturing Wonders honors childhood and strives to always protect it; we believe in the joy, the wonders, and the magic that comes with it.