Nucci Lab

Welcome to Nucci Lab!

We are a diverse and dynamic group exploring fundamental problems in molecular biophysics and novel applications in nanotechnology. A unifying theme for most of our projects is the use or development of reverse micelle technology.

Recent News

4/22/2021: CONGRATULATIONS to Chris Whitener on his new job as a Radiation Safety Technician at Yale New Haven Hospital!

4/18/2021: CONGRATULATIONS to Courtney Johnson on receiving the 2021 Medallion for Excellence in Physics, Alyssa Sanders for receiving the Dean's Outstanding Student Award for the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, and to Augie Scorzo for receiving the Da Vinci Medallion from the Department of Biomedical Engineering!

2/13/2021: CONGRATULATIONS to 2021 graduates (Nakoa Webber, Courtney Johnson, Alyssa Sanders, and Augie Scorzo) on acceptance to doctoral programs!

2/8/2021: CONGRATULATIONS to Evan Burdsall (alumnus) on landing a new job as DevSecOps Engineer at Lockheed Martin!

1/22/2021: CONGRATULATIONS to Sam Ricci (alumnus) on receiving a NIH IRTA post-baccalaureate fellowship to work at NCI in the lab of Dr. Christine Alewine!

1/13/2021: CONGRATULATIONS to Dwayne Bryant (alumnus) on landing a new job as Health Physicist at Columbia University!

06/01/2020: ACS PRF UR funding begins!

01/01/2020: NSF CAREER funding begins! Read more here.