Course Offerings

REMINDER: Only enrolled students may have access to individual course sites. For more information, please contact NTTCHP or email

Basic Course in HPEd

Teaching and Learning

HP 201, HP 221, HP 232, HP 241, and HP 215

Student Assessment

HP 231, HP 232, HP 221 and HP 224

Clinical Teaching

HP 201, HP 221, HP 223, HP 242 and HP 244

Administration in HPEd

HP 211 , HP 231, HP 261, HP 262, and HP 263

Curriculum and Instructional Planning

HP 201, HP 221, HP 221 and HP 231


HP 211: Curriculum Planning in the Health Professions

Principles and strategies for planning of new curricula and modifying existing ones. Development of a total curricular plan in a specific area of interest of the participants.

HP 221: Instructional Design in Health Science Courses

Development of a design of a unit of instruction within the participant's area of teaching with particular consideration of the different available methods of instruction and their appropriateness for specific instructional situations in the health fields.

HP 231: Evaluation in the Health Professions Education

Principles, techniques, trends in evaluative practices used in health professional schools with focus on student achievement and effectiveness of health professions education programs

HP 241: Practicum: Teaching Skills in Health Professions Education

Critical evaluations and development of the component skills of teaching in various instructional situations encountered in health professions education

HP 262: Organization and Management of Health Programs

General principles of organization and management of health programs and health agencies; relationships of participant’s institution to other agencies in the National Health Plan. Operation of participant’s institution, his/her own and other’s role within it. Utilization of these principles in educational change.

HP 299 Research Methods

The scientific methods and approaches to research; basic statistical techniques used in analyzing data; and skills in the review of research literature and in writing and evaluating research proposals in health professions education.


HP 300: Master's Thesis

Elective Courses

HP 215: Trends in the Health Sciences Curricula

Significant changes in health sciences curricula over the last few decades; analysis of each trend; factor's determining it, advantages and disadvantages, and pitfalls of implementation.

HP 223: Clinical Teaching and Evaluation of Clinical Competence

Development of a model of clinical problem solving; strategies to teach it; construction and implementation of evaluative instruments to assess it; interpretation and utilization of their results.

HP 224: Attitude Development in the Health Professional and its Assessment

Concepts of attitude development and behaviour modification of the health professional and methods/tools to measure attitudes

HP 225: Teaching Health Professionals on Designing Community-Based Training Program

Integration of theories of curriculum and instructional design and general principles of education in developing community-based training programss

HP 232: Test Construction and Analysis in Health Sciences

Principles and methods with skill development in the construction and scoring of paper and pencil, oral and psychomotor tests, including comprehensive exams and the analysis of data from such tests, leading to decision-making based on such assessment

HP 234: Teacher Evaluation in Health Professions Education

Concepts, research, and development in teacher evaluation in the health professions with emphasis on methods of evaluation and feedback for improvement of instruction.

HP 235: Evaluation of Programs for Health Professions Education

Purposes and methods for evaluating health educational programs and the use of obtained data to plan educational change.

HP 242: Learning in Small Groups in the Health Science Courses

Strategies to maximize learner participation in spite of the large group of students as in lectures, demonstration, or conferences during scientific sessions.

HP 244: Individualized Learning in Health Science

Study of various approaches/strategies in adapting instruction to individual difference of students; and development of a sample program for individualized instruction.

HP 245: Preparation of Instructional Media for Health Sciences Courses

Study of various approaches/strategies in adapting instruction to individual difference of students; and development of a sample program for individualized instruction.

HP 246: Mentoring in Health Professions Education

Application of the basic concepts and general principles in teaching and learning that serve as the framework for carrying out effective mentoring in the health professions.

HP 262: Administration of Health Education Programs

Application of theories of management to the school/agency of the participant in the determination and attainment of its goal.

HP 263: Selection of Students for the Health Sciences

An overview of intellectual and non-intellectual parameters used for selection of students in the health sciences. In-depth study of these parameters and their adaptation to local needs. The issue of combining the data for measurement of these parameters to make selection decisions will be addressed.

HP 290: Independent Study

Individual projects and learning contract students would like to pursue on selected topics. (Must be taken in two separate semesters.)

HP 292: Science and Art of Research

The roles of theories, concepts, and principle in research as science and art.