
This paper reviews the NTIRE 2022 challenge on night photography rendering. The challenge solicited solutions that processed RAW camera images captured in night scenes to produce a photo-finished output image encoded in the standard RGB (sRGB) space. Given the subjective nature of this task, the proposed solutions were evaluated based on the mean opinions of viewers asked to judge the visual appearance of the results. Michael Freeman, a world-renowned photographer, further ranked the solutions with the highest mean opinion scores. A total of 13 teams competed in the final phase of the challenge. The proposed methods provided by the participating teams represent state-of-the-art performance in nighttime photography. Results from the various teams can be found here: https://nightimaging.org/

Results of our proposed LightNet on Enhancement of Images Captured in Low-Lit Conditions

Input image

Enhanced Images using LightNet

Input image

Enhanced Images using LightNet

Input image

Enhanced Images using LightNet

Input image

Enhanced Images using LightNet


Contact nikhil.akalwadi@kletech.ac.in to get more information on the project



    author    = {Ershov, Egor and Savchik, Alex and Shepelev, Denis and Bani\'c, Nikola and Brown, Michael S. and Timofte, Radu and Ko\v{s}\v{c}evi\'c, Karlo and Freeman, Michael and Tesalin, Vasily and Bocharov, Dmitry and Semenkov, Illya and Suba\v{s}ic, Marko and Lon\v{c}ari\'c, Sven and Terekhin, Arseniy and Liu, Shuai and Feng, Chaoyu and Wang, Hao and Zhu, Ran and Li, Yongqiang and Lei, Lei and Li, Zhihao and Yi, Si and Han, Ling-Hao and Wu, Ruiqi and Jin, Xin and Guo, Chunle and Kinli, Furkan and Mente\c{s}, Sami and \"Ozcan, Bari\c{s} and K{\i}ra\c{c}, Furkan and Zini, Simone and Rota, Claudio and Buzzelli, Marco and Bianco, Simone and Schettini, Raimondo and Li, Wei and Ma, Yipeng and Wang, Tao and Xu, Ruikang and Song, Fenglong and Chen, Wei-Ting and Yang, Hao-Hsiang and Huang, Zhi-Kai and Chang, Hua-En and Kuo, Sy-Yen and Liang, Zhexin and Zhou, Shangchen and Feng, Ruicheng and Li, Chongyi and Chen, Xiangyu and Song, Binbin and Zhang, Shile and Liu, Lin and Wang, Zhendong and Ryu, Dohoon and Bae, Hyokyoung and Kwon, Taesung and Desai, Chaitra and Akalwadi, Nikhil and Joshi, Amogh and Mandi, Chinmayee and Malagi, Sampada and Uppin, Akash and Reddy, Sai Sudheer and Tabib, Ramesh Ashok and Patil, Ujwala and Mudenagudi, Uma},

    title     = {NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering},

    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},

    month     = {June},

    year      = {2022},

    pages     = {1287-1300}
