Nattapong Thammasan

Nattapong Thammasan

Post-doctoral Researcher at University of Twente

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science

Brief Introduction

I am a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Twente with research focus on detecting brain and physiological synchrony from wearable EEG/ECG/EDA sensors utilizing techniques in machine learning, brain-computer interface, artificial intelligence, affective computing, and psychophysiology.

Research Interest

Machine Learning/ Deep Learning

Brain-computer Interface focusing on electroencephalographic (EEG), electrocardiographic (ECG) and electrodermal activity (EDA) signal processing and analysis

Affective Computing (Emotion Recognition)

Neuromorphic Computing


May 2018 - Apr. 2021 Post-doctoral researcher, University of Twente, Netherlands

Jan. 2017 - Mar. 2017 Research Intern (Visiting Graduate Student), University of California San Diego, USA

2015 - 2018 Teaching assistant and Research Assistant, Osaka University, Japan

Sep. 2014 - Sep. 2014 Visiting Student at imec/Holst centre, Netherlands

Mar. 2011 - May. 2011 Intern at Advanced Info Service Plc, Thailand


2015-2018 Ph.D. in artificial intelligence, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Japan

2013-2015 Master of Science in artificial intelligence, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University, Japan

2008-2012 Bachelor of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineer, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand


Journal articles

Max W. Slutter, Nattapong Thammasan, and Mannes Poel. Exploring the Brain Activity Related to Missing Penalty Kicks: an fNIRS Study, Frontiers in Computer Science, 3, 21, 2021.

Panayu Keelawat, Nattapong Thammasan, Masayuki Numao, and Boonserm Kijsirikul. A Comparative Study of Window Size and Channel Arrangement on EEG-Emotion Recognition using Deep CNN, Sensors, 21(5), 1678, 2021.

Nattapong Thammasan and Makoto Miyakoshi. Cross-Frequency Power-Power Coupling Analysis: A Useful Cross-Frequency Measure to Classify ICA-Decomposed EEG. Sensors, 20(24), 7040, 2020.

Ivo V. Stuldreher, Nattapong Thammasan, Jan B. F. van Erp, and Anne-Marie Brouwer. Physiological Synchrony in EEG, Electrodermal Activity and Heart Rate Detects Attentionally Relevant Events in Time. Frontiers in neuroscience, 14, 575521, 2020.

Nattapong Thammasan, Ivo V. Stuldreher, Elisabeth Schreuders, Matteo Giletta, and Anne-Marie Brouwer. A Usability Study of Physiological Measurement in School Using Wearable Sensors. Sensors, 20(18), 5380, 2020.

Ivo V. Stuldreher, Nattapong Thammasan, Jan B. F. van Erp, and Anne-Marie Brouwer. Physiological synchrony in EEG, electrodermal activity and heart rate reflects shared selective auditory attention. Journal of neural engineering, 17(4), 046028, 2020.

Nattapong Thammasan, Koichi Moriyama, Ken-ichi Fukui, and Masayuki Numao. Familiarity Effects in EEG-based Emotion Recognition, Brain Informatics, Vol.4, No.1, pp.39-50, 2017.

Nattapong Thammasan, Koichi Moriyama, Ken-ichi Fukui, and Masayuki Numao. Continuous Music-emotion Recognition Based on Electroencephalogram, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E99-D, No.4, pp.1234-1241, 2016.

Peer-reviewed papers in International Conference Proceedings

Jasper J. van Beers, Ivo V. Stuldreher, Nattapong Thammasan, and Anne-Marie Brouwer. A Comparison between Laboratory and Wearable Sensors in the Context of Physiological Synchrony. In Proc. the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), pp. 604-608, Utrecht, Netherlands, Oct. 2020.

Ivo V. Stuldreher, Joost C. F. de Winter, Nattapong Thammasan, and Anne-Marie Brouwer. Analytic approaches for the combination of autonomic and neural activity in the assessment of physiological synchrony. In Proc. the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), pp. 4143-4148, Bari, Italy, Oct. 2019.

Nattapong Thammasan, Ivo V. Stuldreher, Dagmar Wismeijer, Mannes Poel, Jan B. F. van Erp and Anne-Marie Brouwer. A novel, simple and objective method to detect movement artefacts in electrodermal activity. In Proc. the 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, ACII 2019, pp. 371-377, Cambridge, UK, Sep. 2019.

Nattapong Thammasan, Anne-Marie Brouwer, Mannes Poel, and Jan B. F. van Erp. Interpersonal EEG synchrony while listening to a story recorded using consumer-grade EEG devices. In Proc. NeuroIS Retreat 2019, pp. 253-259, Vienna, Austria, Jun. 2019.

Panayu Keelawat, Nattapong Thammasan, Boonserm Kijsirikul, and Masayuki Numao. Subject-Independent Emotion Recognition During Music Listening Based on EEG Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. In Proc. the IEEE 15th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA), pp. 21-26, Kualalumpur, Malaysia, Mar. 2019.

Nattapong Thammasan, Juan Lorenzo Hagad, Ken-ichi Fukui, and Masayuki Numao. Multimodal Stability-Sensitive Emotion Recognition based on Brainwave and Physiological Signals, in Proc. the 5th International Workshop on Context Based Affect Recognition (CBAR2017) held in conjunction with the 7th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2017), San Antonio, USA, Oct. 2017.

Tatsuya Nakamura, Tomu Tominaga, Miki Watanabe, Nattapong Thammasan, Kenji Urai, Yutaka Nakamura, Kazufumi Hosoda, Takahiro Hara, and Yoshinori Hijikata, Investigation on Dynamics of Group Decision Making with Collaborative Web Search, in Proc. the 2017 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2017), pp.434-441, Leipzig, Germany, Aug. 2017.

Nattapong Thammasan, Ken-ichi Fukui, and Masayuki Numao. Multimodal fusion of EEG and musical features in music-emotion recognition, in Proc. the 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-17), pp. 4991-4992, San Francisco, USA, Feb. 2017.

Nattapong Thammasan, Megumi Iwano, Koichi Moriyama, Ken-ichi Fukui, Kornraphop Kawintiranon, Yanika Buatong, Shigenori Inagaki Tetsuichi Wazawa, Takeharu Nagai, Masayuki Numao, An Investigation of Effect of Bioluminescent Light on Human using Electroencephalogram, in Proc. the 23rd International Display Workshops (IDW’16), pp.57-60, Fukuoka, Japan, Dec. 2016.

Nattapong Thammasan, Ken-ichi Fukui, and Masayuki Numao. An Investigation of Annotation Smoothing for EEG-based Continuous Music-emotion Recognition, in Proc. the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2016), pp.3323-3328, Budapest, Hungary, Oct. 2016.

Patraporn Senachak, Nattapong Thammasan, Ken-ichi Fukui, Masayuki Numao. Music-emotion Recognition based on Wearable Dry-electrode, in Proc. Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice (WCTP 2016), Cebu City, Philippines, Sep. 2016.

Nattapong Thammasan, Ken-ichi Fukui, and Masayuki Numao. Application of Annotation Smoothing for Subject-independent Emotion Recognition based on Electroencephalogram, in Proc. the 7th International Workshop on Empathic Computing (IWEC’16) held in conjunction with PRICAI 2016, pp. 115-126, Phuket, Thailand, Aug. 2016. (Best Workshop Paper)

Nattapong Thammasan, Ken-ichi Fukui, and Masayuki Numao. Application of Deep Belief Networks in EEG-based Dynamic Music-emotion Recognition, in Proc. the 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2016), pp.881-888, Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 2016.

Nattapong Thammasan, Koichi Moriyama, Ken-ichi Fukui, and Masayuki Numao. Investigation of Familiarity Effects in Music-Emotion Recognition based on EEG, in Proc. the 2015 International Conference on Brain Informatics and Health (BIH’15) (LNAI 9250), pp.242-251, London, UK, Aug. 2015.

Peerapon Vateekul, Nattapong Thammasan, Koichi Moriyama, Ken-ichi Fukui, and Masayuki Numao. Item-Based Learning for Music Emotion Prediction Using EEG Data, in Proc. the 5th International Workshop on Empathic Computing (IWEC’14) held in conjunction with PRICAI-2014, pp.155-167, Gold Coast, Australia, Dec. 2014.

Nattapong Thammasan, Ken-ichi Fukui, Koichi Moriyama, and Masayuki Numao. Dynamic and Individual Emotion Recognition Based on EEG during Music Listening, in Proc. Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice (WCTP-2014), pp.87-98, Manila, Philippines, Oct. 2014.

Nattapong Thammasan, Prabhas Chongstitvatana. Design of a GPU-styled softcore on field programmable gate array, in Proc. the 2012 International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (JCSSE 2012), pp.142-146, Bangkok, Thailand, May. 2012.

Non-Peer-reviewed papers in International Conference Proceedings

Shinjiro Mita, Gaku Hatanaka, Alexis Meneses, Nattapong Thammasan, Daiki Miura, Multi-instrumental End-to-End Convolutional Neural Network for Multiple F0 estimation, in Proc. the 11th Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange, held in conjunction with ISMIR 2017, Suzhou, China, Oct. 2017.

Nattapong Thammasan, Kornraphop Kawintiranon, Yanika Buatong, Koichi Moriyama, Ken-ichi Fukui, and Masayuki Numao. Dry electrode EEG-based music emotion recognition, in Proc. the 19th SANKEN International, the 14 SANKEN Nanotechnology Symposium, Dec. 2015.

Non-Peer-reviewed papers in Domestic Conference Proceedings

Nattapong Thammasan, Ken-ichi Fukui, and Masayuki Numao. Analysis of EEG response and Annotation Lag in EEG-based Emotion Recognition using Fusion Technique, in Proc. the 31th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Artificial Intelligence (JSAI 2017), Nagoya, Japan, May. 2017.

Tomu Tominaga, Tatsuya Nakamura,Nattapong Thammasan,Miki Watanabe,Kenji Urai,Kazufumi Hosoda,Yutaka Nakamura,Takahiro Hara,Yoshinori Hijikata, 協調Web検索における合意形成を促進する情報推薦と説明付けの検討, in Proc. the 11th Symposium on Young Researcher Association for NLP Studies (YANS 2016), Wakayama, Japan, Aug. 2016.

Nattapong Thammasan, Koichi Moriyama, Ken-ichi Fukui, and Masayuki Numao. Combining EEG and musical features for dynamic emotion recognition during music listening, in Proc. the 30th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Artificial Intelligence (JSAI 2016), Kokura, Japan, Jun. 2016.

Tatsuya Nakamura, Miki Watanabe, Nattapong Thammasan, Kenji Urai, Tomu Tominaga, Yutaka Nakamura, Kazufumi Hosoda, Takahiro Hara, 協調Web検索におけるグループ意思決定ダイナミクスの調査, in Proc. the 2016 Forum on Data Engineering and Information Management (DEIM 2016), Fukuoka, Japan, Feb. 2016.

Nattapong Thammasan, Koichi Moriyama, Ken-ichi Fukui, and Masayuki Numao. EEG-based Investigation of Music Familiarity and Emotion. in Proc. the 29th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Artificial Intelligence (JSAI 2015), Hakodate, Japan, May. 2015.

Nattapong Thammasan, Ken-ichi Fukui, Koichi Moriyama, and Masayuki Numao. EEG-Based Emotion Recognition during Music Listening. in Proc. the 28th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Artificial Intelligence (JSAI 2014), Matsuyama, Japan, May. 2014.

Honor and Award

2012 - 2018 Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship Students

2013 - 2018 Research grants and supports from Humanware Innovation Program (Leading Graduate School), Osaka University

2012 Second-class honors Bachelor Degree, Chulalongkorn University

2009 - 2012 Mitsubishi Electric Foundation Scholarship

2011 Winner - SAMART Innovation Award

2011 Finalist - AIS Startup weekend


Thai (Native proficiency)

English (Professional working proficiency)

Japanese (Limited working proficiency)

Lao (Full professional proficiency)

Dutch (Beginner)


Email: n.thammasan <at> utwente <dot> nl


Updated: Mar. 2021