As has been widely reported in recent weeks, Instagram's rolling out new brand profiles to help businesses make better use of the platform. The new brand options have been made available to selected users in Australia, New Zealand and the US, and today Instagram made their first official announcement on the pending arrival of the new business tools.

Much of the information shared by Instagram was already largely known - published a range of images of the new brand profiles and analytics tools earlier this month - but there were some additional notes and features highlighted in the announcement.

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"With a business profile, businesses can choose how they want their customers to get in touch with them: call, text or email with a tap of the contact button as well as get directions. Business profiles also unlock access to insights and the ability to promote."

In terms of analytics, as we've reported in depth previously, Instagram's business analytics tools will provide brands with actionable insights about their followers and how they're responding to their content, all available within the mobile app.

"Simply pick a post you've already shared on Instagram and add a button encouraging people to take action. You can select a target audience or allow Instagram to suggest targeting for you. After that, your post will be promoted as an ad for any length of time you choose."

Instagram's in-app ad tools will also be limited in terms of targeting options, though advertisers will still have the capacity to save custom audiences based on Facebook data for use within the mobile app.

At present, selected users (those with their Instagram account connected to their Facebook business Page) are getting notifications like the below, prompting them to switch to the new business profile.

Some have questioned whether it's worth making the switch at present, especially considering Instagram's coming algorithm - the concern being that if you switch to a brand profile, your reach will automatically be limited because the algorithm will judge brand pages differently, whereas if you leave it as is, you may be able to better maintain the status quo.

There's some logic to this - Facebook's theoretically able to categorize brand reach differently because the News Feed algorithm is able to differentiate between posts from Pages and profiles, but there's no definitive evidence to prove that they do so. Logically, on Facebook at least, people are going to interact with content from family and friends more than they do with brands, which is what Facebook says has lead to lower organic reach for Pages. And that makes sense, but the way people use Instagram is slightly different, with more people following more brand and publisher profiles - and either way, the algorithm won't necessarily limit your organic reach, it'll be based on user interactions with your content.

So if you do have the option, should you make the switch to a brand profile? If you do, you'll get access to all the new analytics and profile features, as well as the new ad options. At some stage, too, Instagram will likely also implement a rule like Facebook to prohibit the use of personal profiles as brand pages, so the decision may be forced upon you. But as noted, there's nothing to suggest that the coming Instagram feed algorithm will penalize the reach of brand pages, so you're likely better off making the switch when you can.

The answer, right now, is not clear-cut, but the benefits of Instagram analytics will likely outweigh the potential risks of reduced reach, which, as noted, are less likely to be factored into the algorithm in Instagram.

Instagram serves as an excellent place to connect with friends, family, followers, and new audiences through compelling image-based and video-based content. When you serve your viewers with fresh, engaging content, it inspires them to like, comment, follow, and share your posts. Give your posts the opportunity to shine by sizing them to the suggested formats. Let Adobe Express be your guide to resizing and adjusting any custom content to meet said sizes. Adobe Express makes the creative process fun and easy with templates, an intuitive interface, and the ability to share and download with ease so you can focus more on the design.

I'm developing a social networking app and our users can connect their Instagram account to our service. I'd like to open Instagram profiles directly in their official Android app (if it is installed) but I can't find any way to do that. However, there is a page on their developer site about the exact same feature on iOS but this doesn't seem to work on Android at all. Everything I found on the web only suggests various ways to open links in a browser. Any suggestions?

Now what it will do, it will try to open Instagram app, if instagram app is not installed then it will try to open Instagram lite. If both app is missing then it will intent to browser.The above method intent user to Instagram app and user profile. You can also intent user to Instagram image video and other page. See full documentation in here -to-feed/

I first started playing with Instagram in 2013, right as it was really starting to pop (similar to what's going on with Snapchat right now). For two years, all I did was focus on finding as many ways to organically grow my account as possible--and as a result, I went from 0 followers to almost 20,000 followers on zero budget.

I have since helped many brands, influencers, personal trainers, professional athletes, fashionistas, gamers, foodies, photographers, musicians, and more, grow their own Instagram followings well into the thousands and tens of thousands.

The people that win on Instagram are, by every definition, artists. It doesn't matter what your business is or what you are selling. The truth is, when someone goes to your page, the very first thing they ask themselves is, "Do I want this page in my feed every day?"

The first six to nine boxes that appear when someone views your profile are judged by viewers like they would a painting. The way the photos blend together. The colors. The perspectives. The textures. It is art, plain and simple. The Instagram pages that tend to acquire the most followers and attention? They know this, and they capitalize on it.

The fitness industry in the past five years, especially on Instagram, has adopted elements otherwise found in fashion and entertainment. Workout videos now have the production quality of music videos. Shirtless photos are taken with the precision of a high-end fashion photographer. Fitness on Instagram is no longer just about health and workouts. It has forged a space of its own and now resembles an entirely new "lavish lifestyle."

Below your bio you should have a link to your website, a landing page, etc. One thing people don't do enough on Instagram is make use of this link space. It can easily be changed out, and in certain posts you can refer people to the link currently in your bio. Use this as your Call to Action, directing users from your social platform to wherever you would like them to go next.

For example: If you are a professional landscape photographer and you are trying to build a following on Instagram, you are competing in the "professional landscape photographers" space. This means when people come across your profile, they are going to ask themselves, "Hmmm...there are a lot of really great landscape photographers out there. Should I follow this one? Or another one?"

On the flipside, you have other niches where the expectation is not based on the quality of the photo but the funny response it elicits--@thefatjewish being a prime example. He's not on Instagram to showcase his ability to take beautiful photos. He's there to make people laugh, which means the expectation for him is to post funnier content than the other users in his same space.

Great for food photos, scenery and architecture, and interior design, square shots tend to perform very well on Instagram. This means that your shot is perfectly square, either head-on or top-down. Reason being, it is geometric and pleasing to the eye.

For the longest time--and still, to this day--there seems to be a consensus that short posts are the way to go on Instagram. I wholeheartedly disagree. The photo is the starting point, and the caption is the story that takes it to another level.

When I first started on Instagram, I treated it like a microblog. I would post really lengthy captions about my workout routines, my nutrition, my mindset in the gym, etc. I made it more of a journal than anything else--and whenever I would post a photo or video with a single-line caption, people would comment asking me to get back to writing more.

And finally, your signature. Sometimes it's nice when people have a signature at the bottom of their Instagram posts that cleanly displays a few hashtags, maybe a branded Call to Action, etc. For example, mine is simply ||

Instagram's limit per post is 30 hashtags. Some people take the route of creating a stock list of 30 popular hashtags and then copying and pasting them into the end of each caption. The issue with this is it makes your page look very unprofessional--almost like it's "trying too hard." One way around this is to take that list of 30 hashtags and paste it in the comments of a photo you posted weeks and weeks ago. Reason being: Since it has already been posted, it won't appear in your audience's feed, however, the new hashtags will recirculate the photo into hashtag buckets where people can find it--and ultimately find your page.

The best way to grow your Instagram page is to have a popular account feature you and your content. Some popular pages charge you for this exposure (from around $50 to $100 per post, depending on the size of the account). Other pages ask for what is called a "shout for shout." This means that they want access to your audience just like you want access to their audience. So you both post each other's content, "shout" each other out in the caption, and as a result, some followers from their page convert into followers of your own--and vice versa. ff782bc1db

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