NSF International Research Experiences for Students

From Fundamental to Applied Soft Matter 

Research Experiences in Mexico

Project Overview 

This project aims to provide undergraduate students in the Southern California region with research experiences in Mexico. It is being led by Professor Ryan McGorty at the University of San Diego and Professor Wylie Ahmed at Cal State University Fullerton. 

Students who apply and are selected to participate will receive a $6000 stipend, free travel to and from the research sites in Mexico, and free housing while in Mexico. Students will spend 8 weeks in Mexico conducting research from mid-June to mid-August. Six students will be selected to participate each year, with three students living and working together in Monterrey, MX and three in León, MX

Students from the U.S. will conduct research over the summer at either the Center for Research in Advanced Materials (Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados, CIMAV) in Monterrey, Mexico or the University of Guanajuato in León, Mexico. Working with research mentors in Mexico and the mentors in Southern California, students will take various approaches to study the physics and chemistry of soft materials. Such approaches include using computer simulations to study fundamental aspects of soft materials and using 3D printers to apply our scientific understanding of soft materials to the design and use of new inks and resins. Students taking part in this research and receiving mentorship from U.S. and Mexican scientists will be prepared to cooperate with diverse teams across borders and to become leaders of a globally engaged scientific workforce.

Projects will include investigating the rheology of nanocellulose and cellulose composites for use in 3D printing applications, quantifying the translational and rotational diffusion of anisotropic colloids to better understand transport and microrheology in complex environments, and developing computer simulations of colloidal particles in external fields. These projects will lead to new analysis techniques in microrheology and optical microscopy and will advance the development of inks for 3D printing. 

Apply to participate in this NSF international research experience in Mexico!

Applications close January 12, 2024.

This NSF IRES project is supported by the following collaborative grants: NSF OISE-2245406 and NSF OISE-2245405. 

NSF logo
University of San Diego logo
Cal State Fullerton logo
Image of Dr. Ahmed with students in front of a research poster
Photo of Dr. McGorty with researchers at the CIMAV Monterrey site
Dr. McGorty and a research student using an optical microscope

If you have questions, feel free to contact Ryan McGorty, rmcgorty@sandiego.edu