Vote Cope

Vote Cope

Vote-Cope is the Committee on Political Education, the non-partisan political action arm of New York State United Teachers and its affilitates.  Funded entirely by voluntary contributions from members, Vote-Cope is used to help union-backed candidates and campaign committees that support education and labor.

Vote-Cope helps strengthen political action programs at all levels - national, state, and local.  Vote- Cope provides rebates to participating unions for local political action.  

The Vote-Cope campaign starts in the fall but contributions are happily accepted throughout the year.         

Vote Cope prize- $50.00 gift card to a local restaurant - Limp Lizard

2023 - 2024

September-Amy Haskin

October - Kara Hopkins

November- Mike Luccia

December - Jennifer Jerome

January -  Lindsay Wiechmann

February -  Kelly Guthrie

March- Aaron Gross

April-  Linda Congdon

May - Matt Gardener

June- Emily Kiggins

VC 2021.docx