The National Science Foundation's (NSF) National Science Digital Library/Distributed Learning (NSDL) program turned 10 years old in 2010. This report presents results of a preliminary program evaluation carried out by RAND and is organized around three principal goals:

The report synthesizes the findings from these exercises to yield results and recommendations, both for what NSF and NSDL should do now as well as for the design of a full formative evaluation in the future.

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The research in this report was sponsored by the National Science Foundation and was conducted under the auspices of the Transportation, Space, and Technology (TST) Program within RAND Infrastructure, Safety, and Environment.

This report is part of the RAND Corporation Technical report series. RAND technical reports may include research findings on a specific topic that is limited in scope or intended for a narrow audience; present discussions of the methodology employed in research; provide literature reviews, survey instruments, modeling exercises, guidelines for practitioners and research professionals, and supporting documentation; or deliver preliminary findings. All RAND reports undergo rigorous peer review to ensure that they meet high standards for research quality and objectivity.

Yes. In case the investor has demat accounts with Participants of NSDL as well as CDSL and NSDL is the default depository from where the investor is receiving CAS; if such investor wishes to receive CAS from CDSL, the investor can indicate his preference by submitting a letter signed by the first holder to any DP of NSDL where the investor is having an account. Alternatively, the investor can also send email to from his email ID registered with NSDL. The investor needs to ensure to quote his Name and Permanent Account Number (PAN). If the investor chooses CDSL, the investor will stop receiving CAS from NSDL and he will receive the same from CDSL.

DUE 0121575. Increasing Effective Student Use of the Scientific Journal Literature. Institution: University of Tennessee Knoxville. PI: Carol Tenopir. This project is developing features and sample exemplars of interactive learning modules to help undergraduate users recognize, access, and evaluate high quality scientific and technical information such as those contained in the so-called "grey literature" of technical reports and abstracts generated by various government laboratories.

On receipt of the Subscriber application forms in duplicate from the associated DDO, PAO/CDDO/ DTO shall verify the forms and authorize the same. PAO/CDDO/ DTO shall forward the forms along with a covering letter i.e. Annexure S6 to the CRA-FC. The format of covering letter and list of CRA-FCs is available at CRA website (

Only those Subscribers of a PAO and DDO who are already registered with CRA can apply for Allotment of PRAN. If the PAO/DDO is not registered, it has to first register itself with CRA. On receipt of the Subscriber application forms in duplicate from the associated DDO, PAO shall verify the forms. PAO shall forward the forms along with a covering letter to the CRA-FC as per Annexure S6. The format of covering letter and list of CRA-FCs are available at CRA website

PAO/CDDO/DTO/ DDO can check the status of the Subscriber's application, by quoting the PRN or the acknowledgement number under the option "Check Subscriber Registration Status" in the CRA System ( in URL

CRA-FC is the Facilitation Centre appointed by CRA for accepting Subscriber Registration forms. The CRA-FC shall digitize the applications and upload the details to CRA system. The list of CRA-FCs across India is available in CRA website ( accessing URL -fc.php

For such cases, a fresh application shall be submitted by the Subscriber after rectifying the discrepancies. The PAO/CDDO/ DTO can also view scanned copies of the CSRF and rejection memos by logging into CRA system ( using the User ID and I-PIN provided by CRA.

In August 2004, a two-day workshop was held on "Developing a Web Analytics Strategy for the National Science Digital Library (NSDL)". The workshop was sponsored by the NSDL Educational Impact and Evaluation Standing Committee (EIESC) and was jointly organized with the NSDL Technology Standing Committee (TSC). It brought together 26 representatives from government and industry, as well as some of the projects funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) NSDL program, to discuss how web metrics could be implemented in a pilot study to identify current NSDL use and develop strategies to support the collection of usage data across NSDL in the future. This new pilot follows a study that the EIESC conducted in 2002 to identify and collect basic web metrics data for NSDL.A bibliography on web metrics was prepared and distributed to the participants of the 2004 workshop. During the workshop, participants first reviewed the processes and technology used to gather web metrics data by two different organizations: the Association of Research Libraries E-Metrics Project and Sun Microsystems. Through a series of breakout and plenary sessions, participants identified high-level goals for the new pilot study, formulated and prioritized a list of desired effects and requirements for collecting web metrics across NSDL, and developed recommendations for implementing web metrics data collection on a project and program level. The workshop concluded with the EIESC and TSC establishing a joint taskforce to lead the pilot study in NSDL over the next year. Web analytics will be used to address two high-level goals. That high quality learning resources be accessible to a large spectrum of the US population That there be value added to users and projects by participating in NSDL.This workshop report provides a brief history of previous evaluation activities across NSDL and discusses the importance of web analytics to NSDL. After a review of the literature on web metrics, the report identifies cross-cutting issues that affect implementing web metrics in the upcoming pilot study (e.g., build vs. buy, data ownership and storage, organizational structure that supports ongoing data collection, user privacy); describes the goals and requirements for the pilot study; and lists near term action items for the joint task force. Documents from the workshop, including a preliminary report entitled "Workshop on Web Metrics in NSDL", slides from ARL and Sun Microsystems presentations, participant statements and the web metrics bibliography can be found on the workshop website.

My friend was not sure how to read and make sense of this report, so he asked if I could help me read through his statement and help him understand the details better. So we sat together and dug into the report.

As expected, the CAS contained all the details of the transactions he had done in the securities market over the last financial year. This included transactions across stocks, bonds, government securities, corporate bonds, and mutual funds. The report was quite straightforward to understand. Just when I was about to close it, the section under his mutual fund investment caught my attention.

The CAS report very promptly reports the commissions his agent earns by all the investments my friend makes every month, and the commissions were not small! To set the context my friend makes an investment of Rs.40,000/- every month split across 6 different mutual funds.

In this section, the CAS report details the funds you have invested in and the respective commissions you paid the agent (agent is identified by his name and his ARN number).

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The NSDL ( ) will provide the premier path to a rich array of current and future high-quality STEM educational content and services, and also function as a forum where resource users may become resource providers. For example, users might contribute their expertise to produce new teaching modules from resources such as real-time experimental data or visualization software available through the network. Or they might evaluate and report on improvements to student learning due to specific digital learning objects (such as images, Java applet simulations, Flash animations, or interactive electronic notebook modules).

To follow the current state of collaborations within the growing NSDL community and to join the ongoing discussion, exploration, and work on key issues, see _for/library_builders/nsdlgroups.php. This page connects to information about Library Building and Committee workgroups that are addressing various areas of interest including, Accessibility and Diversity, Community Services, Content, Copyright, Educational Impact and Evaluation, K-12 Educational Standards and Alignment, Scientific Markup Languages, Sustainability, Technology, and Webmetrics. An active Policy Committee is leading the development of emerging community initiated organizational principles and practices, and PIs are strongly encouraged to provide leadership in this larger community building effort. For a full list of NSDL Workgroups see _for/library_builders/nsdlgroups.php?pager=all.

These efforts are distinct from original content development supported by other NSF programs such as the Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement program, the Instructional Materials Development program, and similar curriculum and materials development programs funded by NSF or other agencies. NSDL projects start from the assumption that materials, resources, modules, and other digital learning objects are already available. Similarly, proposals that are primarily digitization or conversion projects are not appropriate for the NSDL program. Prospective proposers who have questions are encouraged to contact the NSDL program at ff782bc1db

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