Network Science 


Digital History 



This workshop, a satellite meeting of NetSci2023 (Vienna, July 10th-14th, 2023) aims at bringing together researchers active in studying applications of networks in digital humanities to discuss state-of-the-art, share knowledge across disciplines, and create opportunities for novel and fruitful collaborations. 

The main goal of historians focused on prosopography is identifying patterns in relationships and biographical data in order to investigate the characteristics of a group of people. Due to the relational nature of the data, networks are ideal candidates to represent these interactions, and we would like to discuss possible applications of advanced methods in temporal and multilayer networks which could offer an insight on the diachronic evolution of the relations.


DATE: Tuesday July 11th, 2023 (14.00-17.30)

VENUE: Seminarraum SR 2 - University of Vienna, Universitätsring 1, 1010 


14.00 - 14.20 opening remarks 

14.20 - 14.55 "Network science and history in dialogue: how to translate the language of graph theory to produce historical knowledge?" - Martin Grandjean 

14.55 - 15.30 "Temporal Networks for Digital Humanities" - Marton Karsai 

15.30 - 16.00 break

16.00 - 16.20 "On the Shoulders of Giants. Pitfalls and challenges of a LOD network of intellectual influences" - Cindarella Petz 

16.20 - 16.40 "Ties that bind - or not. Potentials and pitfalls of applying network sciences on dynamic prosopographical data across medieval Eurasia." - Johannes Preiser-Kapeller 



Registration (here) to the NetSci2023 main conference is mandatory to join this event. You can choose if registering for the full conference or for satellite events only. On site registration will be possible only upon availability.