
Map & Transportation


校址:屏東市民生路 4-18 號五育樓 401 教室

火車或公共汽車:搭乘火車、統聯客運或國光客運至屏東站下車,再乘計程車(車程約 8 分鐘) 直達本校。

開車: 行經高雄,走高屏大橋進入屏東市區,沿自由路轉民生路至本校。 行經國道 3 號高速公路,於麟洛交流道(約 406 公里處)沿台 1 線(往屏東 市區方向)開抵本校。

Location: Wuyu Building Room 401, No.4-18, Minsheng Rd.,Pingtung County

By train: Get off the train at Pingtung station, and then take a taxi (or Pingtung bus) to NPTU (about 10 minutes). Taiwan railway website: https://tip.railway.gov.tw/tra-tip-web/tip?lang=EN_US

By car:

  • From Kaohsiung via the Gaoping Bridege, enter Pingtung City, go

along Zi-Yo Road and then take Min-Sheng Road directly to school.

  • From the No.3 Freeway, exit at the Lin-Lou Interchange, take the

No.1 Provincial Highway and then Min-Sheng Road directly to school.