Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the data that we process to support NovelWorld, and related services offered by NovelWorld. You can find additional tools and data in the NovelWorld settings. It explains our practices concerning the personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, in connection with NovelWorld. If you do not agree with this policy, you should not use NovelWorld. If you have any questions about how we use your personal data, please contact .

1. Data Collection

The type of data that we collect and process is dependent on how you use NovelWorld. Even if you don't have an account, if you use NovelWorld, we'll be able to collect some data about you.

The data we collect and process is as follows:

Your Operation and Data you provide

On NovelWorld, you can read novels, submit your feedback and so on. We will collect the operation that you may perform on NovelWorld and the data you provide, such as:

• the content you create, for example feedback or questions you submit;

• the application and function you use, and your operation during this;

• the time, frequency, and duration of your operation.

Data under special protection

You can choose to provide data about your age, gender, address, and email address. These and some other types of data may be specially protected under the laws of your jurisdiction.

2. Application, Browser and Device Data

We will collect and receive data about the different devices you use and how you use these devices, and the data that comes from these devices.

The device data that we collect and receive includes:

• the device and software that you currently use, and other device characteristics;

• the data that your device links to the Internet, including your IP address;

3. Data that comes from Business Partner, Supplier and Third Party

We will collect various data and operations that you are on or out of NovelWorld from business partner, supplier and third party. For example, we will collect your device data, your using application. Furthermore, a business partner will share us some other data, such as your email, third-party account data.

4. Data Sharing

We will never sell any of your data to anyone, and we require partners and third parties to follow the rules that define how they are allowed and prohibited from using and disclosing the data we provide.

Specifically, we share data with the following third parties:

(a) We work with third-party partners who help us improve NovelWorld, which makes it possible to operate our companies and provide services to people around the world.

(b) We do not provide any personally identifiable data

(c) to these third-party ad servers or ad networks without your consent or except as part of a specific program or feature for which you will have the ability to opt-in or opt-out.

(d) Law enforcement agencies, public or tax authorities or other organizations if legally required to do so.

5. Data Security

We take reasonable and appropriate technical and organizational measures to help protect personal data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. Unfortunately, the transmission of data via the internet is not completely secure and we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted via the Platform; any transmission is at your own risk. To help us protect personal data, we request that you use a strong password and never share your password with anyone or use the same password with other sites or accounts.

6. Data Management or Deleting and Your Rights Exercising

We provide the following tools for viewing, managing, downloading, and deleting your own personal data. You can also visit the Settings page of the product you are using to manage personal data. In addition, you may have other privacy rights under applicable law.

You can use Personal Center in our app, click "Me Page" - "Contact Customer Service", and then contact the customer service by to exercise your rights.

View and manage your personal data

You are entitled to access, view and manage your personal data via Personal Center, or click "Contact Customer Service", and then contact the customer service by

Delete your personal data or your account

If you want to remove your personal data, you can:

• Search for and remove certain personal data

We have provided you with a series of tools that will help you delete certain personal data. For example, you can use the Delete button to remove books from the shelf. 

• Remove your account permanently

You can contact us by e-mail at to ask for your account to be removed.

Once your account is removed, we will no longer supply you with any products or services. We will remove your personal data at your request, except as otherwise required by the law.

We will help you to remove your account data and delete all your log-in records. If you permanently remove your account, you cannot reactivate it, and you cannot retrieve your reading and unlocking records, including the balance of your bonuses or rewards received from our in-app’s events.

How long does it take to delete your personal data?

The time required for deletion varies; for example, deleting your personal data is instantaneous and will be removed immediately. Deleting the account must not last more than 15 days from the date of receipt of the request. If you do not like it, please contact the customer service department and complain.

You can use Personal Center to view your personal data or click "Me Page" - "Contact Customer Service". You can inquire, correct, delete, cancel user account, and revoke authorized user's operation by contacting client. For safety reasons, you might want to submit a written request. Or some other way to prove your identity. You may be required to confirm your identity before you proceed with your application.

A reply will be sent to you within 15 working days. If you don't like it, feel free to contact customer service to complain.

7. Age Restrictions

NovelWorld is not developed for children. This Platform is not directed at children under the age of 12 or equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction. If you believe that we have personal data about or collected from a child under the relevant age, please contact us at

Users between 12 and 18 (each a “Teen”) may not access or use the Service unless (i) both the Teen and their parent or legal guardian have first agreed to these Privacy Policies; and (ii) the Teen uses an account established by their parent or legal guardian, under such parent or guardian’s supervision, and with such parent or guardian’s permission. If you permit a Teen to use the Services, you hereby agree to these Privacy Policies on behalf of both yourself and the Teen. You further agree that you are solely responsible for any and all use of the Service by your Teen regardless of whether such use was authorized by you.

8. Data Retention Time

We retain your data for as long as it is necessary to provide you with the service or fulfill the transactions you have requested or authorized. Where we do not need your data in order to provide the service to you, we retain it only for so long as we have a legitimate business purpose in keeping such data, including to comply with our legal obligations, enforce our agreements, resolve disputes, and as necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

You can delete your Account, and you should understand that upon deletion of your Account, you will lose the right to access or use all or part of the Platform. After you have deleted your account, we may retain certain data in an aggregated and anonymized format.

9. Changes of this policy

We'll notify you before we make changes to this policy and give you the opportunity to review the revised policy before you choose to continue using our Products.

10. Complaints

In the event that you wish to make a complaint about how we process your personal data, please submit your complaint via email at We will endeavor to deal with your request as soon as possible. This is without prejudice to your right to launch a claim with your data protection authority or follow the dispute resolution process provided in the Privacy Policies.

11. Contact

If you have questions about this policy, you can contact us by email at