The Strategies In Lift And Shift, Digital Transformation, And Cloud Migration: Concurring The Drawbacks To Discover The Opportunities

When an enterprise starts a cloud migration strategy, what to do with the applications is one of the challenging factors that need consideration. When changing the surroundings, it is a ‘lift and shift’ approach, including everything always the proper way to use, or if there is an opportunity to have a better strategy in your approach?

A popular example commonly seen is clients having SharePoint and Microsoft 365 online on-premises. At the same time, they pay for SharePoint contained in the Microsoft 365 license. Thus, as we commonly ask our clients:

What can make you want to change your SharePoint Online Server to the cloud from the on-pre when you could leverage the current Microsoft 365 subscription?

Concurring The Challenges

There is a myth that one can achieve the goals fast in cloud migration strategy, more so using the lift and shift approach. The majority of times, while in a rush to transform the surroundings, enterprises do not consider the reason for making the change and the advantages that your business will achieve from it.

It is not caused by technology. Technology that causes a successful transformation is mature, and the salesperson running the hardware and cloud services knows their role in helping transformation. The drawbacks occur in the cloud migration strategy. If your business achievement is only to face digital transformation, then be sure the project will fail to deliver. Our example is that we once helped clients transform their business from a data warehouse to the cloud. We faced a challenge that was not technical, but it made the client rethink how they could put the cloud environment to use rather than using it traditionally.

We asked them how they would leverage the cloud services without reinventing the wheel?

There was shift management to get the customer completely aware that the transformation was proper for them. After realising the benefits of the cloud migration strategy, the clients were motivated by technology decisions and strategies that would eventually lead to that.