Yoga: A Balanced Mind

Yoga is definitely useful for our whole health and body. It is amazing that such a simple and easy practice can improve our overall personality. It is one of the best benefits of yoga for senior citizen. As we grow older, our physical health used to diminish. So, yoga is important in daily life to do our daily routine activities and maintaining our healthy lifestyles. It is beneficial for senior citizen to feel more energetic and can manage with the pains that come with ageing. Yoga is a best form of exercise for adults. Some benefits of yoga for Senior citizens are

  • Yoga reduces stress

  • Yoga strengthened bones

  • Improves sleeping habits

  • Enhanced balance, flexibility, mobility and strength.

  • Alleviate aches and pains.

Major benefit of yoga for senior citizen is that it makes an older get lessen risk of depression and left with more energy to perform routine activities. Yoga is also important for healthy life. As yoga is a way of living that have a motto towards a healthy mind and soul. It is the importance of yoga for healthy life because it promotes a balanced development of man’s physical, mental and spiritual well being. Physical exercises like aerobics can only assure physical well being but importance of yoga for healthy life and spiritual body. Yogic exercise revitalize body with enormous energy as it attain perfect equilibrium and harmony, Promotes self- healing, Removes negative blocks from the mind and toxins from the body, enhances personal power and helps in attention, focus and concentration, especially important for children. Yoga is important for healthy life as it reduces stress and tension in the physical body and also for better relationships.

Benefits of doing Yoga everyday

It is the art of practicing which helps an individual to control once mind, body and soul. It helps in bringing physical and mental discipline together and manages the stress and anxiety of daily life. The benefit of doing yoga everyday can leads to improve respiratory system. Daily practicing of yoga can help in losing weight and improve immunity. Yoga also poses to lower blood pressure. There are different asanas of yoga that can pose lower blood pressure. Yoga asanas helps in controlling blood pressure naturally by relieving our stress. It soothes the nerves and slows down the abnormal heart rate. Yoga asanas poses lower blood pressure by increasing immunity. It also reduces the chances of heart attacks and heart strokes. It also leads to the decrease in hypertension and other related stress. Regular practice of yoga can improve and maintain the balanced diet which results in lower blood pressure. Yoga gives positive energy to body and mind. Some of the asanas to help lower high blood pressure are Shishuasana (Child Pose) as it relieves stress and normalizes blood circulation. Vajrasana (Diamond Pose) helps in controlling obesity and increase blood flow to lower abdomen. Paschimottanasana (Forward Bend Pose) act as effective stress reliever that normalizes higher blood pressure. Sukhasana (Easy Pose) unites body and mind by meditation. It helps in reducing blood pressure. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting Half Spinal Twist) stimulates nervous system helps normalizing blood pressure. Badhakonasana (Butterfly Pose) for better circulation of blood all over body. Benefits of doing yoga everyday help in perfects your posture, prevent cartilage and joint breakdown, and protect your spine.

Yoga for Glowing Skin and Healthy Hair

The best thing of Yoga is that it is natural. Certain positions of yoga can boost up circulation and can strengthen the tone skin all over the body. It provides essential nutrients to the skin. It is also beneficial for common skin problems that may cause unhealthy lifestyle, premature wrinkles, acne and pimples. Yoga for glowing skin needs some yoga positions which can treat these skin problems are padmasana, adho mukha svanasana, dhanurasana, sarvangasana, halasana, and shavasana. Yoga for glowing skin also requires poses like child and cobra improves blood circulation to the facial area and increase oxygenation.

Long and healthy hair can be encouraged by blood flow in scalps and by de stressing you. Yoga for long and healthy hair requires the poses such as Uttanasana, Ustrasana, Sasanasana, Vajrasana, Uttanpadasaa and Pranayama. All these poses help in long and healthy hair growth. Blood circulation from these asans promotes healthy hair, less hair loss. Exercise and meditation is a category of Yoga for healthy hair.