Chronological List 

Of Every 

Nine Circles Level

Welcome To The Chronological Nine Circles List.


This list aims to archive every single Nine Circles level on a list.

This allows for easy access to every single NC level.

This list is split by update to make navigation easier.

Each level may have symbols next to them.


These indicate the content of a level in the list.

(The badge system is explained more in this drop-down menu)

▶️ The Level is Auto Difficulty

⭐ The level is rated, and is NOT Demon difficulty.

🌙 The level a platformer level.

😈 The level is Demon difficulty.

💀 The level is Extreme Demon difficulty.

🥇 The level is the hardest rated Nine Circles level.

🏅 The level is a former hardest rated Nine Circles level.

📀 The level has bronze coins.

💿 The level has silver coins.

🔇 The level has a song that needs to be added manually as it is NOT on Newgrounds.

🎨 The level is NOT a nine circles level. It just happens to have the effect.

most of the levels here either have similar pulses by coincidence, or its only in the level for an extremely small amount of time.


🔧 The level received an update.

🏆 The level is very high quality. 

The level must EXCEL in quality not just be good. This is only given to the best of the best! (I wanna stress that if your level does NOT have this badge it does NOT mean it is a bad level. This badge is for the best of the best of the best.)

📉 The level is very low quality. 

This does NOT reflect enjoyability. You can have fun playing low quality levels.

(Both quality badges are based off the update the level was released. so if a level is a 1.9 level and it is amazing for 1.9 but not great for 2.1 it gets the 🏆 badge. and vice versa.)

❓The level has no badges (Mainly here to fill space in that scenario)

Before you enter the site, allow me to answer some potential questions you may have.

Why did I make this website? Aren't there NC lists already?

Well yes its true that there are already lists such as the EVW spreadsheet or the FANDOM page.

however these lists have major flaws such as missing levels.

This list is aiming to be the most comprehensive.

Why is (Insert Non NC level) on the list?

Mainly just for fun, as explained above with the badge system, any level that is on here with this badge (🎨) does NOT need to be completed to complete the list.

They are included either as a joke/reference to events in the community. (kocmoc for example is included due to a popular video explaining how it could be considered a circles level when it isn't.)

Because everyone considers it a NC level however it being a circles level can be debated due to a change in formula. (Aerial Gleam or Cat Planet for example)

Or because they contain a NC part but are NOT considered NC levels. (Ultimate Demon Mix or GD10 for example)

Why did you update the site to separate the levels by update? Didn't it used to be one massive list?

To put it simply, the website ran like garbage do to all the data in one place.

With the website formatted like it is now, it runs a lot better.

There is a NC level missing from the list and I want it added.

Simply contact me on Discord (@nothingisscary) or Twitter DMs (@NothingWasScary) and inform me of the level.

Just be aware that when it comes to Unrated levels I cannot add every level.

If you DM me asking to get a level added, and its just a basic 1.9 style circles level you made in a day. It will unfortunately likely be ignored.

The unrated levels must either be High Quality, important to the community, or notable in some way.

If you would like to visit the Nine Circles Demonlist created by Zen0x50.

-Visit the site here-

This website is less of a chronological list, and more of a difficulty list.

And you can submit records!