I already went through Google support, reinstalled, reauthorized, redownloaded the ebook acsm file... nothing works. In the end of all that support, we got stuck with E_LIC_LICENSE_SIGN_ERROR, an error on Adobe's end.

This was exactly the story of my life today. I was reading the forums and did all the things you did. Unfortunately, nothing changed! Then I decided to contact the "experts" at adobe and they just told me to read the same posts I was reading all day. I have not contacted Googgle books, but as I said their advice is similar to what I was doing today. In the end, the only change was the type of error message. At first it was the "Adept Internal" type (whatever this means) and then it became the "License Sign" error (whatever this means), Right now, I do not know if I should bother contact also google, or if I should simply forget about it and wait for some new version of Adobe digital editions...

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This Master gave everything a perfunctory glance as it passed through. Off the receiving room was the transfer chamber itself: two long metal tables, a tile floor set with drains, elegant mirror-glass walls which were easy to wash and sterilize. Through the open doorway Sadie could see that Enri had already been strapped to the left table, facedown with arms outstretched. His head was buckled in place on the chinrest, but in the mirrored wall his eyes shifted to Sadie. There was nothing of anticipation in that gaze, as there should have been. He knew to be afraid. Sadie looked away and bowed at the door as the Master passed.

The question is what format is the book originally in? If it's in PDF, then there are a lot of PDF to HTML converters out there, but nothing already built into the .net framework. If it's plain text, then creating html is easy.

EPUB 2 had limited accessibility capabalities, but EPUB 3 includes support for @role all the aria-* attributes through its use of xhtml5. As epub is web content, I'm not sure I follow what you mean by the format not being wcag compliant, though? Are you referring to publishers simply not creating content that is compliant? That's a known problem we're trying to correct, but I'm not sure how it differs from anyone publishing incompatible content on the web.

No, the problem is that HTML5 is for now not accessible, and adding ARIA make also more confused the field. But because is not a specification or a standard, no one know what happens in near future. For now, talking on simple things, the headers structure of HTML 5 dont work with screen readers, or work badly. This happens in any device, Ibooks and Readium included. This derives from the fact that HTML 5 is still a work in progress, so i don't understand well what you mean with "epub 3 accessibility", is impossible have a standard based accessibility with a markup that is under developement, no?

Or we say "epub accessibility" thinking maybe in a future this can happens, if and when html5+aria is a stable platform?

Sorry for my bad english, i hope to be understandable.

Thank you Matt and Bill, so we can agree that for now is bit strange talk about "epub 3 accessibility" as a concrete and actual fact? Is something that i and we hope come fast, but for now is not true that a epub 3 IS accessibile. WCAG are important, now they are also a ISO standard. Is very important have a conformance test suite, this is a very good idea. And ok, have also some authoring programs can help :).

About the principles, nothing to say, they are perfect.

By your measure, HTML is not accessible since browsers aren't perfectly accessible, either. The same baseline exists between XHTML 1.1 and XHTML5. It's not like WCAG or WAI-ARIA don't apply because the grammar underwent a revision. To my knowledge, WAI is already working on updating the guidelines for HTML5, but I wouldn't expect them to be able to release them until HTML5 is official. That doesn't mean that the content is not accessible because the guidelines aren't done. ATs are already supporting HTML5 features, after all. Accessibility API mappings of roles, states and properties haven't changed, even if some still need work.

Ok Matt, i don't discuss about the fact the epub 3 offer or not a more standardized or richer approach etc etc. For sure, in this moment PDF offer a more richer support than epub 3 to accessibility, and most important is standard, so all can know what is or not "accessible" for definition.

On HTML5/epub 3, this is not true... no one can know what is "accessibility" for epub 3, because don't exist a test case, a definition, something that help on understand. Is all based on HTML 5, and HTML 5 is for nothing finished or stable.

For example, is in discussion a element that for sure is accessibility related, Transcript. But is in discussion, is not available. Today, not one year ago. Is still in discussion, and maybe tomorrow this element became a part of specifications.

Also HTML5+ARIA is in discussion, is not available. I can use, but at my risk, tomorrow maybe specifications change.

And no, ATs are not supporting HTML 5 features, they start to support. But we are years far from complete support.

The HTML to Platform Accessibility APIs Implementation Guide is still in Editor Draft state, and in his page you can read big and in red "This document is subject to change without notice".


But i am not discussing this, i'd like to know just if possible have a definition about "epub 3 accessibility"? What mean this? Where i can find some info about? Someone have tested?

If yes, i can read something about?

Thank you

You seem to already be aware what the resources are for web accessibility. Unfortunately, if your position is that they don't count then I don't know what else I can say to change your opinion. We'll have to respectfully agree to disagree.

No no sorry, this is for nothing true. I can test accessibility of a PDF with a complete set of automatic test taking WCAG 2 as reference, with a complete report. With epubcheck i can only verify markup, not accessibility. I think here is not me that do erroneus claims.

In 5 years, when i see something like this also about epub 3, ok we can talk about epub accessibility. For now is just a abstract idea.

Matt, i think you are a bit confused. For me accessibility is a very serious thing, and i see is impossible for you talk on this without jump around without providing answers or give insults to others.

What i can see in this discussion, is that for now epub 3 accessibility is a project, and maybe in two years we have something stable and usable. If you have time, do a look at Acrobat XI accessibility report, so you can see on what we are talking, i suspect you don't know.

This was the way in which I wanted to be alone. Without myself.I mean to say, without that self which I already knew, or which Ithought I knew. Alone with a certain stranger, from whom I darklyfelt that I should be able never more to part, and who was myself:the stranger inseparable from me. There was, then, one onlythat interested me! And already, this one, or the need I felt ofbeing alone with him, of confronting him in order to know himbetter and hold a little converse with him, was working me up to apitch of half-shivering alarm.

I beg your pardon, my good people. You have just had a big wordin your mouths; permit me now to insert a tiny, tiny thought inyour minds. This thought: that your conscience, here, has nothingto do with the case. I shall not say that it is worth nothing, ifit means everything to you; I shall say, to please you, that Isimilarly have my own, and know that it is worth nothing. Do youknow why? Because I know, there is your conscience, too. Ah, yes.And so very different from mine. Excuse me, if I talk for a momentlike the philosophers. Is your conscience, by any means, somethingabsolute, that may suffice to itself? If we were solitary beings,it might be so. But in that case, my good friends, it would not beconscience. Unfortunately, here I am, and here are you.Unfortunately. And what does it mean, then, that you have yourconscience, and that it suffices you? That others may think of youand judge you as they please, that is, unjustly, because you allthe while are safe in the comforting assurance that you have doneno wrong? Come, come, I beg you: and is it not others who give youthat very assurance, that selfsame comfort?

"Good Lord, why is it then that you insist upon acting as if youdid not know it? Why do you insist upon speaking to me of yourself,if you know that, in order to be to me what you are to yourself,and in order for me to be to you what I am to myself, it would benecessary for me, inside myself, to confer upon you that samereality which you confer upon yourself, all of which is impossible?For alas, dear friend, whatever you do, you will always confer uponme a reality after your own manner, believing still that it is mymanner; and it may be, I do not say that it isn't; it is altogetherlikely that it is; but it is a 'my manner' of which I know nothingand never can know anything; it is only you, who see me fromwithout, that can know it; hence, a 'my manner' for you, not a 'mymanner' for me.

So you think, do you, it is only houses that are built? I amcontinually building myself and building you, and you are doing thesame, inversely. And the construction lasts so long as the materialof our emotions does not crumble, and so long as the cement of ourwill holds firm. Why do you think it is, otherwise, that firmnessof will and constancy of feeling are so highly commended to you?Let the will waver but a little, let the emotions alter by ahair's-breadth, undergo ever so slight a change, and it is good-byeto reality as we know it! We at once become aware that it wasnothing other than an illusion on our part.

I was talking with a friend; there was nothing out of theordinary in our conversation; I could see him gesticulating, andhis voice and gestures were the usual ones, while he, as he stoodthere waiting to hear what I had to say, recognized mine as thosehe had known of old. There was nothing out of the ordinary, no, solong as I did not pause to reflect that the tone of my friend'svoice for me was not at all the tone of voice that he knew, for thereason that he did not know at all the tone of that voice which washis; and his appearance, too, was as I saw it, that is, the onethat I conferred upon him, looking at him from without, while he,as he spoke, assuredly did not have in his mind's eye any pictureof himself, not even the one that he attributed to himself, andwhich he recognized upon glancing into a mirror. 2351a5e196

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