I find myself getting very nostalgic with a lot of songs. I'm 19, almost 20, in my second year of university, and it's sort of dawning on me that I don't have a lot of youth left. There'll become a point where I won't be hanging out with my mates in parks at 3 in the morning, or going to house parties that last 7 hours, or going camping on private land. A lot of songs seem to evoke this feeling of nostalgia in a way that other art forms never do (paintings, literature, movies etc.) and I find it so fascinating that music seems to be the main trigger. I guess we hear songs at parties, on car journeys, in stores and restaurants, music is so omnipresent that it's always going to make some sort of subconscious impact which then suddenly hits you years later. I often find the songs I'm most nostalgic about have the same traits and features.

Hope that title explains what i'm getting at here. For me, it's the Destiny Islands theme from KH1/1.5, i remember first kingdom hearts 1 when i was something like, 8? That theme still gives me so much nostalgia that it literally hurts.

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That moment you step out of the sewers and see the rolling hills, the shining lake and those glittery white ruins... Man, it's so picturesque and it definitely immerses you in the world. The nostalgia has worn off now, but I remember when Cyrodiil seemed bigger than it actually was, and every new discovery peaked my interest. Do you have fond memories of Oblivion you want to reminisce on?

But I think the feeling of nostalgia is one that has no real standard model for evoking in a piece of music. This is due to each persons memory and experience of specific tracks and albums being unique. No two people will experience something the exact way and this is what I love about listening to stuff that makes me feel nostalgic, it brings out something that is special to me, a warm feeling of all the good things in days gone by.

The reason behind me making this post is that I for the first time in 7 or 8 years now relistened to the Minecraft OST and it blew me away not only how exceptional the soundtrack is but all the great memories I had subconsciously associated with the erie yet inspiring quite sounds of the game. If you ever played minecraft and had similar experiences with it that I did, then maybe [this] ( =DZ47H84Bc_Q) track will have the same profound effect it had on me and bring about a pang of nostalgia that albums with no emotional connection quite can.

That being said I do think ambient music really excels in bringing about these reflective, melancholic pangs of nostalgia and as I enter a transitional period of my life I seem to be drawn towards a lot of these kind of meandering and erie, yet profound and compelling sounds, something like Long Season by Fishmans, Eno's ambient work or maybe some godspeed off the top of my head.

I have been rewatching the twilight movies, and I have such strong nostalgia while watching them. I was 9 years old when the first movie aired, I am 24 now, and comparing my two perspectives while watching the movies is crazy. I now understand so many hidden innuendos, more adult jokes etc, but the color choices on the movies, the music, it brings me right back to that completely in awe child I was, being amazed by how magical this world was. I was trying to look up posts that feel the same and was shocked as just how many people talk down on the movies. I only look at them with love and admiration for how much they impacted the generation that watched. Watching them brings me right back to a time in my childhood where possibilities were endless, and it makes me so happy.

And let's be real, nostalgia can make us forget about the significant changes the game has undergone since Chapter 1. Going back and playing Chapter 1 now might bring back some fond memories, but it might not be as enjoyable as it once was, as how skilled the players are and missing movements were used to such as mantling, spring and swimming.

Mark Fisher speaks of "a culture that is excessively nostalgic, given over to retrospection, incapable of generating any authentic novelty." (Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? (Winchester: Zero Books, 2010), 26.) His notion of the regression into the past is explored as nostalgia.

To sum all of this mess up... I have been rewatching the series throughout the years. I cannot even tell you how many times I have watched it from beginning to end. And with me growing older, my attachement to the series and characters grew. My nostalgia is getting stronger. I realized that I had my drug and party episode and it looked like the broken lives of Skins characters. Of course it was a miserable time and I got out of it with the help of family. That being said, If I could be stuck in a loop of that Skins lifestyle that I perviously had with no consequences and damage to myself and loved ones around me - I would.

I guess THE WORST part about it is - Skins represents the Y2K British iconic era and this generation will never come back. It represents our young and free years which are now gone. The immense feelings of longing and nostalgia are painful and beautiful at the same time.

I often see/smell/hear things that remind me of my childhood, however nostalgia is a longing or a wishing, whereas when I experience these things it fills me with dread. Is there a word opposite of nostalgia? I always say PTSD as a joke but people are sensitive so I should prolly stop

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As the title says anyone else feeling nostalgia for this game?

Dont get me wrong I love the new games, just something about PLA is just feeling extremely nostalgist for this game?

Whats your favorite part of the game?

mine is the music.

I never experienced the games as a kid therefore I cannot rely on nostalgia as an excuse to play the games. However, the collection is on sale my local video games store therefore I was wondering if I should get it or not primarily based on how good the narrative is and secondary based on how good the gameplay is. Thank you!

Aside from that I'm not really seeing all the hype for these. I think the reason people look back on these games so fondly is just because of nostalgia and because since there was no SBMM, it let you absolutely destroy lobbies if you got good enough. Every game is fun if you're dominating, and now that they are evenly matched, they don't like the games anymore

I'm not even 30 and I'm often hit with a nostalgia feeling. Whenever I go to a place where I grew up when I was underage, when I did my studies or whenever, I have this sad and melancholic feeling. I feel that I don't have this things anymore which is quite sad to notice. Of course I know that at every age you live specific things, so although you don't have things you had back then, you can enjoy new things you couldn't do before. But nostalgia seems to have the upper end on the emotion in those curious moments. Special mention when you listen to music you used to listen at a certain age, the emotion suddenly brings melancholic thoughts back.

I feel like I am a very nostalgic person and tend to just live in the past generally but does anyone else get the feeling of nostalgia so strongly about a happy time that it almost is painful and sad because you're no longer happy or miss that moment so much? I'm always wondering what I would have been like if I'd have stuck with those set of friends or stayed at that certain place etc. It's almost a feeling of regret that I didn't end up knowing what the outcome of those situations would be yet at the same time I know that those moments were so fun and I'm glad I experienced them. It's such a weird feeling to explain

The worst are those pangs of huge nostalgia, like when you hear a song you haven't heard for 20 years, or smell something from your childhood you can't even place. You are stuck in it. Feeling absolutely dreadful.

I know I'm not the only one, but does anyone feel nostalgia while playing PUBG? While walking thru the awkwardly silent streets of Pochinki, or going up the Stalber mountain, I get these flashes of nostalgia. I remember the good old days of 2017, of 2018, when it seemed like the whole gaming world was focused on this game, when tons of funny and memorable videos came out, with tens of millions of views.

I can't pinpoint the exact year that I discovered NCS, but I'm pretty sure that it was prior to 2014. I loved the music, it wasn't like your typical copy write free music (which was boring and cheap sounding), it was actually good and exciting EDM. Tobu, Itro, JJD etc ruling the charts of the time. Even typing those names in brings me massive nostalgia.

I was wondering if you guys have any songs that invoke this weird nostalgia-type feeling in you... even if they weren't a distinct part of your past. I'll share a few songs that invokes this in me. (maybe give you guys some ideas)

Who else gets that really overwhelming high school nostalgia? I feel like a weirdo sometimes because of how much I miss those days sometimes, but I also wonder if anyone can relate to the feeling? Before typing this, I was looking through memories/video projects I had from high school. I rewatched some of them & looked back at fun memories. Man, do I miss those days. It's a happy & depressing nostalgia all wrapped into one. e24fc04721

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