Field Study Subject Biography 

I'm glad to have met you all. I'm Jovenel Palomar, also known as Jove, and I'm 21 years old. I was born in Tandang Sora, Quezon City, on May 21, 2001, but I currently reside in North Fairview, Quezon City. I always wanted to enroll in a culinary program since I enjoy cooking, but when I entered senior high school, we couldn't afford the costs, so I chose a livelihood course instead. I didn't anticipate taking an education course when I started college, so I put my trust in Him and asked Him to chronicle my journey as I pursued my degree. 

My social skills were somewhat lost when the pandemic came and after almost 2 years my first began to observe for our Field Study course subject, so I was a little bit nervous. However, I'm grateful because my critic teacher during my observation was so dedicated to teaching me about the field, gave encouragement, and motivated me. I also felt a little bit nervous because I couldn't tell if my incoming critic teacher would be considerate or not. However, I really enjoyed my observation days because I connected with my critic teacher, his students, and co-faculty.

Beliefs on Teaching and Learning (Pre and Post FS)

Pre-Field Study

Post-Field Study

Demonstrating the examples while in session is a bit chaotic, in a way that each of them might call you to give them assistance, sometimes being noisy, or listening but didn’t catch it.

 Might as well, have an interaction with your students, hear their voice and analyse their situation, give advice rather than scolding or shouting toward them.

 Often times, a teacher must manage his/her time to demonstrate all of the details on their lesson plan. In result, this might cause eagerness to every teacher that they should allocate their time for every session.

 Teachers are not only in their majors assigned especially in ICT because some teacher may seek a help from you to repair their gadgets and an ICT teacher can also approach by a co-teacher to help them to repair defect computer parts in computer lab.






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While I was in my observation days, many experiences didn’t expect to happen. Better interactions with my co-student teachers, critique teachers, and students. I wasn’t expected that I’ll overcome it but with the help from them, I made it. Principally, with the help of my critique teacher for giving me advice every time were in a classroom or computer lab, he always giving me an advice and knowledge about this field. I ‘m feel grateful and I'll treasure those experiences and knowledge that I’ve gathered from him Teaching is not only to teach but to care, inspire, and learn for the sake of our students to give them a better future because a teacher nothing could be asked for, it is just to improve the lives of his/her students.