Field Study Subject Biography 

Hello everyone! I'm Jhobel Mae L. Gervacio. I am a 4th year student taking up bachelor in business education major in Information and Communication Technology at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. I'm the only child of my parents and I am 22 years old.

In North Fairview High School, I have the responsibility of observing Ms. Ruth R. Nojadera's class for my field studies 1 and 2, a TLE-ICT teacher of grade 10 students. The subject handle is illustration. Based on my observation to her. She's not uptight to her students. She treat them like her young siblings or even children. She let her students feel that they can be freely express their feelings and thoughts to her. And I also want to be like that to my students as a future educator.

Beliefs on Teaching and Learning (Pre and Post FS)

Before I believe that the teacher must be strict to her students. To show the students that you they should respect you because you are above them. They should just listen to you and obey what you say. And that is how the teachers discipline the students to respect them. But now that I am a future educator. I Learn deeply about teaching. And as I given a responsibility to observe a class. I realized that the teacher must be approachable for her to be able to get her students heart. 


FS1&2 DTR.pdf


CamScanner 03-05-2023 10.42.pdf


WEEK 1.pdf
WEEK 2.pdf
WEEK 3.pdf
WEEK 4.pdf


Jhobel Mae Gervacio - Learning Experience 1.pdf
Jhobel Mae Gervacio - Learning Experience 2.pdf
Jhobel Mae Gervacio_Learning-Experience-3.pdf
Jhobel Mae Gervacio_Learning Experience 4.pdf
Jhobel Mae Gervacio_Learning Experience 5.pdf


When I think back on my experiences with fieldwork, I can say that I like it. Particularly since, in addition to studying from experienced teachers in the field, I also had the chance to practice teaching and instruct the kids. I can confirm that teaching is challenging, but it will be worthwhile once you see how you assist kids in learning new information