print, complete, and mail to 

Northern Solano Democratic Club. PO Box 192

Fairfield, CA 94533

NAME: ________________________________ (SPOUSE) __________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________

(Please list the address at which you are registered to vote)

CITY: _________________________________________ ZIP: _________________________

PREFERRED PHONE: ________________________ (Spouse) ___________________________

E-MAIL: ____________________________________ (Spouse) ___________________________


*EMPLOYER: _____________________________________(Spouse)______________

*(Occupation & employer are collected solely to comply with campaign finance reporting law and will not be divulged except as required by law. If you do not anticipate making total contributions of $100 or more to the club this year, you may leave these lines blank.)

Dues are $30/calendar year, $25 for seniors, students, and others claiming financial hardship, and $50/year for couples. Sustaining membership of $60/calendar year, or $100/year for couples, will merit special recognition by the club at appropriate occasions

Payable to Northern Solano Democratic Club, not tax-deductible. 

Note: Membership is based on the calendar year and is subject to renewal January 1 each year.


Amount Paid: $__________

I wish to contribute $_____monthly_________ to the club’s candidate fund. I understand that this money will be distributed to candidates in accordance with club policy and I may not designate its contribution to any particular candidate.

I wish to make a general contribution of $______ which may be used for any lawful purpose the club deems appropriate.


(Office use only) Dues paid:          ck / cash / online Date: