A Tradition of Excellence

Located in Indianapolis, IN, North Central High School, along with the entire school community of Washington Township, is nationally recognized as one of the finest school systems in the country. The bands at North Central High School provide a comprehensive experience with special emphasis placed on both concert band and jazz band. The North Central Bands consistently earn high marks and are highly regarded throughout the state of Indiana, and nationwide.  The NCHS Performing Arts Department receives and appreciates tremendous support from the school administration and the parent organizations of the township.


ISSMA District Solo and Ensemble

Click here for Information Packet (Performance Times, Maps, etc.)

Private Lessons

Private Lessons are a great way to improve your skills as a band member and musician. All students in Wind Ensemble study privately, and any student aspiring for Wind Ensemble are highly encouraged to begin private lessons. In order to make this process easier for the student, we have compiled a list of private lesson teachers that teach locally. This list of tutors is being provided solely for the convenience of parents and students but should not be considered an endorsement of these individuals and their qualifications. These individuals are not employees of the Metropolitan School District of Washington Township.

The North Central Bands are active on Twitter!

Be sure to follow us @NCHS_Bands