North York Junk Removal

Benefits Of Picking Up Trash

Trash is all that waste, debris or things that no longer serve and is regularly deposited in the trash can.

The garbage can be divided into organic garbage that is that which comes from the surplus of the food like fruit peels, leftover vegetables, leftovers of prepared food ... etc. And in inorganic garbage that is paper, glass, plastics, bags, old clothes ... etc.

Because it's important to pick up the trash

It is important to pick up the trash, because having it piled up or thrown anywhere, gives:

  • Bad appearance.
  • Bad reputation to the inhabitants of the house or street, because they can be classified as dirty and disorderly people.
  • Bad smell.
  • It is a source of possible infections and diseases.
  • Pollution to the environment.
  • Source of mice and other bugs.
North York Junk Removal

With the garbage collection we avoid all of the above and benefit us because we achieve an environment:

  • Healthy.
  • Cleansed.
  • Nice.
  • Free of bacteria or germs.
  • And we favor the maintenance of the environment.

What to do?

  • It is advisable to throw the garbage in a boat or bag and deposit it in the pickup truck. Do not throw it around the corner.
  • Batteries should be taken to a collection center for this material, do not dispose of it with other waste.
  • If possible, separate the inorganic waste from the organic waste. In fact, organic can use it as a compost for your garden and plants.
  • Bar your bench and your patios.
  • Do not burn the trash.
Junk Removal - (416) 829-1036
Junk Removal North York


There are several objectives to be achieved when depositing or collecting the waste in trash cans, in which three factors and beneficiaries are involved: the environment, individuals and companies.

There are several objectives to be achieved when depositing or collecting the waste in trash cans , in which three factors and beneficiaries are involved: the environment, individuals and companies.

For individuals and their community, the goal is to achieve a healthy, clean space, free of debris, bacteria or germs, which is pleasant as a landscape and can be lived in, this is achieved by depositing the trash in plastic mugs .

Likewise, the community and companies must guarantee the adequate collection of waste, for this, it is important to implement the use of ecological points in Bogotá , which establish a recycling culture, specifying according to the color of the mugs what components are thrown in each Container, for them we can use recycling bins by colors .

As for the economic and business sector, they are under an obligation to guarantee an integrated collection system for garbage, from companies with office mugs , transportation to the unloading area and the waste disposal site.

In this way all the factors are favored, the environment because it is conserved; Individuals because they improve their environment by making them healthy and habitable and companies saving money on inputs while implementing sustainable development.