Location and Times

Stanley 105, Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 1-2pm.

Office hours: Evans 971


Calculus with Applications by Lial, Ritchey, and Greenwell

Grading policy

Grades are based homework (15%), three exams (15%, 20%, 20%), and one final (30%).


Homework will be collected once a week in section. You must submit a physical copy. Do not email your homework assignments to your GSI. Five problems wil be chosen at random to be graded for completion. Two of the lowest homework scores will be dropped. Working with others is encouraged, but you must write your solutions on your own and write the names of your collaborators at the top of the assignment.


There will be three exams. All exams will be in person during regular class hours. There are no make-up exams or final.

The first will be on September 19th, which will be worth 15% of your grade.

The second and third will be on October 17th and November 14th, respectively, each of which will be worth 20% of your grade

The final will be worth 30% of your grade.

Both sides of a single sheet of a 8.5"x11" printer paper may be used as a cheat sheet for the midterms and final. Cheat sheets must be hand-written by the students. No calculators are allowed in exams. No copying and pasting of typed text from anywhere, unless the student has a registered disability that allows for typed or other specially prepared texts.

There is no regrading, unless there is an egregious error such as adding up points incorrectly. If you don't understand why you lost points on a question, please ask; but the number of points deducted cannot be changed, because we grade all the exams together according to the same standards, so regrading individual exams would be unfair to everyone else.

If you miss any exam, your final exam grade will be the missed exam's grade. If you miss two exams or the final, you will fail the class.

Discussions and GSI Office Hours

You must attend the discussion you are enrolled in. You may go to any GSI's office hours.

Academic Integrity

Cheating is unacceptable. Students found cheating on an exam will receive a score of 0 on that exam. Students found cheating on the final exam will receive an automatic F. Any student caught cheating will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and Student Community Standards, and if found responsible for academic misconduct may receive sanctions ranging up to suspension or dismissal from the university.


Students with disabilities requiring accomodations for exams must submit a letter of accomodation from the Disabled Students Program and contact me at least two weeks in advance of any exam so that we can make the necessary arrangements. Requests may not be accomodated if this deadline is not met.