Location and Times

Monday - Thursday: 2-3 Etcheverry 3113

Monday - Thursday: 3-4 Etcheverry 3109

Note that we will have to move classrooms at 3.

Office hours: Tuesday Thursday 12:30-1:30 Evans 864


Math 110 is a second course in linear algebra, focusing more on theory and proof than computations. The material significantly overlaps 54 but, unlike 54, does not include differential equations. Math 110 differs from Math 54 in two ways: 1) it concerns itself with arbitrary vector spaces, not just R^n and 2) it approaches linear algebra from a proof - based perspective. For many students, this may be their first proof-based math course. We will spend time discussing various strategies for writing and understanding proofs.


Math 54 or equivalent preparation in linear algebra at the lower division level. Some prior experience with mathematical reasoning and proofs, for example Math 55, is also helpful.


Third edition of "Linear Algebra Done Right" by Sheldon Axler.

Grading policy

Grades are based on homework (15%), quizzes (15%), final exam (30%) and two midterm exams (20% each).


Homework is due every Friday by 2pm at my office at 864 Evans. Please submit a physical copy. If the door is closed and I am not there, please slide your homework under the door. Homework may be submitted early. There are eight assignments in all. Working with others is encouraged, but please write the names of your collaborators at the top of the assignment. You must write clearly - points will be taken off if your explanations are confusing or illegible. When writing proofs, you must use complete sentences. The lowest homework score will be dropped. Late homework will not be accepted.


Quizzes will be held during the second half of class every Monday that cover up material up to the previous Friday. July 4th is a holiday so a quiz will be held on Tuesday, July 5th instead. There are seven quizzes in all. No cheat sheets, open notes, or open books are allowed for quizzes.


There will be two midterms, the first on Wednesday, July 13 and the second on Thursday, July 28.

The final will be on the last Thursday of class.

All exams will be in person during regular class hours. There are no make-up exams.

A single side of a regular sheet of paper and both sides of a regular sheet of paper can be used as a cheat sheet for the midterms and final, respectively. Cheat sheets must be hand-written by the students. No copying and pasting of typed text from anywhere, unless the student has a registered disability that allows for typed or other specially prepared texts.

Academic Integrity

All academic misconduct incidents will be reported to Student Conduct. Students found cheating on a midterm will receive a score of 0 on that exam. Students found cheating on the final exam will receive an automatic F.