Location and Times

Dwinelle 215, Monday - Friday 2-4pm

Office hours: Evans 971 Tuesday & Thursday  4-5pm

Email: norman.sheu@berkeley.edu

Course Description 

The sequence Math 10A, Math 10B is intended for majors in the life sciences. Introduction to differential and integral calculus of functions of one variable, ordinary differential equations, and matrix algebra and systems of linear equations. 

This is not an online course. 


Three and one-half years of high school math, including trigonometry and analytic geometry. Consult the Mathematics Department for details. Students who have not had calculus in high school are strongly advised to take the Student Learning Center’s Math 98 adjunct course for Math 10A; contact the SLC for more information.


Biocalculus: Calculus, Probability, and Statistics for the Life Sciences (custom UC Berkeley Edition) by Stewart

Grading policy  

Homework: 20%

Midterm 1: 25%

Midterm 2: 25%

Final: 30%

The class grade distribution will be based on what is recommended by the math department.  


Homework will posted on Friday and collected the following Friday one week after. You must submit a physical copy. Do not email your homework assignments to the course reader or me. Five problems wil be chosen at random to be graded. No credit is given for homework turned in after the due date. Two of the lowest homework scores will be dropped. Working with others is encouraged, but you must write your solutions on your own and write the names of your collaborators at the top of the assignment. 


There will be two midterms and one final. All midterms will be held during regular class hours. Midterms and finals will not be conducted remotely under any circumstances. There are no make-up midterms or final. 

The first midterm will be held on July 7th.

The second midterm will be held on July 28th.

The final will be held on the last day of class.

No calculators or cheat sheets are allowed in exams. 

Academic Integrity

Cheating is unacceptable. Students found cheating on homework or midterm will receive a score of 0 on that homework or midterm. Students found cheating on the final exam will receive an automatic F in the course. Any student caught cheating will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and Student Community Standards, and if found responsible for academic misconduct may receive sanctions ranging up to suspension or dismissal from the university. 


Students with disabilities requiring accomodations for exams must submit a letter of accomodation from the Disabled Students Program and contact me at least two weeks in advance of any exam so that we can make the necessary arrangements. Requests may not be accomodated if this deadline is not met. 

Incomplete Grades

Grades of Incomplete will be granted only for direct medical or personal emergencies that cause you to miss the final, and only if you have completed the majority of the coursework and your work up to that point is of passing quality.

Information for incomplete grades can be found here