Privacy Policy of

Tolerance Calculator

Privacy Policy

Effective date: October 09, 2018


当アプリは第三者配信の広告サービス「Google Admob」 を利用しています。


Cookie(クッキー)を無効にする設定およびGoogleアドセンスに関する詳細は「広告 – ポリシーと規約 – Google」をご覧ください。

Google Admobに関する詳細は「AdMob および AdSense ポリシー」をご覧ください。


当アプリでは、Googleによるアクセス解析ツール「Google Analytics グーグルアナリティクス」 を利用しています。







About ad delivery

This application uses a third-party advertisement service "Google Adsense Google Adsense".

Advertisement distribution providers may use cookies to display advertisements that match the user's interests.

For details on setting disabling cookie and Google adsense, please see "Advertisement - Policies & Terms - Google".

A third party may provide content and publicity, gather information directly from visitors, set cookies on visitor's browser, and recognize it.

About access analysis tool

This application uses Google's access analysis tool "Google Analytics".

This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously, it does not identify individuals. Since this function can refuse collecting by invalidating cookie, please confirm the setting of your browser. For details on this policy please click here.


Copyright rights, portrait rights, etc. of images posted in this application belong to each rights owner. If there is a problem in the content of the article and the publication image etc., please contact each right holder directly with mail. After confirmation, we will correspond.

When moved from this application to another site by link, banner, etc., we are not responsible for any information, service etc provided at the visited site.

We are trying to post as accurate information as possible about the contents and information of this application, but there are also cases where erroneous information enters and information becomes old.

Please understand that we can not assume any responsibility such as damage caused by this application.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:

By email: