RIMS Conference
Integration of theory and application for
a deeper understanding of
nonlinear phenomena

October 30–November 1, 2024
Room 420, RIMS, Kyoto University


A variety of nonlinear phenomena, including species spreading, Rayleigh–Bénard convection, and combustion theory, have been modeled by nonlinear partial differential equations centered on reaction-diffusion systems and have been the subject of active theoretical and empirical investigation in diverse fields. In particular, the discovery of the Turing instability by A. M. Turing has initiated research aimed at understanding patterns that appear in nature through reaction-diffusion systems. This has facilitated collaboration between theoretical and applied research by providing feedback on numerous nonlinear phenomena that were previously understood through experiments. For instance, the structure of stripes on the epidermis of zebrafish has been theoretically identified as a nonlinear phenomenon, with the essential factors identified from the mathematical side. This has made it possible for theoretical research and applied research to collaborate. These studies have been successful only by integrating the proposal of a mathematical model that describes the nonlinear phenomenon at hand, the elucidation of the mathematical properties of the solution of the mathematical model (theoretical research), and the visualization of the dynamics of the solution by reliable numerical computations (applied research). Therefore, in order to understand more complex nonlinear phenomena, it is essential to build a solid foundation for the organic fusion of theory and application. Consequently, we are convening a gathering of domestic and international researchers engaged in mathematical modeling, mathematical analysis, and numerical analysis of nonlinear phenomena in ecology, life science, and physiology. The objective of the meeting is to enhance the comprehension of nonlinear phenomena by disseminating the most recent research findings and identifying the challenges confronting researchers from disparate backgrounds who seldom interact at other conferences. Furthermore, the meeting aims to further integrate theory and application in an organic manner.

Speakers (as of June 16)

Goro Akagi (Tohoku University)
Kota Ikeda (Meiji University)
Shunsuke Kobayashi (University of Miyazaki)
Hiroshi Matsuzawa (Kanagawa University)
Scott McCue (Queensland University of Technology, To be confirmed)
Tomoyuki Miyaji (Kyoto University)
Liam Morrow (University of Oxford)
Masaharu Nagayama (Hokkaido University)
Hirokazu Ninomiya (Meiji University)
Shinya Okabe (Tohoku University)
Takeshi Suguro (Kumamoto University)
Tsubasa Sukekawa (Kyoto University)
Takeshi Takaishi (Musashino University)
Keisuke Takasao (Kyoto University)

Program (tentative)

10/30 (Wed.)

13:20 ~ 13:30  Opening

13:30 ~ 14:10

14:20 ~ 15:00

15:00 ~ 15:30  Discussion time

15:30 ~ 16:10

16:20 ~ 17:00

17:10 ~ 17:50

10/31 (Thu.)


10:00 ~ 10:40  

10:50 ~ 11:30

11:30 ~ 13:30  Lunch & Discussion time

13:30 ~ 14:10

14:20 ~ 15:00

15:00 ~ 15:30  Discussion time

15:30 ~ 16:10

16:20 ~ 17:00

11/1 (Fri.)

09:10 ~ 09:50  

10:00 ~ 10:40

10:40 ~ 11:10  Discussion time

11:10 ~ 11:50

12:00 ~ 12:40

12:40 ~ 12:50  Closing 


Room 420
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
See here for access to the venue.

Integration of theory and application for a deeper understanding of nonlinear phenomena

Koya Sakakibara (Kanazawa University)
Hideki Murakawa (Ryukoku University)