Nonclassical Logic


The Nonclassical Logic Webinar started as an online version of the Nonclassical Logic Seminar organized at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Denver. Typically we meet weekly for research talks or expository lectures on nonclassical logics, ordered algebraic structures, and related areas.

The Webinar is held on Fridays 10am-12pm USA-Mountain Time (that is usually 6-8pm Central European Time). The talks can last anywhere between 40 and 90 minutes, leaving time for questions and discussion both during and after the talks.

Participating groups

  • Algebra and Logic Group, Vanderbilt University

  • Algebraic Logic Group, University of Denver

  • Algebraic Logic Group from CONICET and Universidad Nacional del Litoral

  • Algebraic Logic Group, NUCOMPA, Universidad Nacional del Centro

  • Informal Group in Algebra and Algebraic Logic (IGAAL), University of Siena

  • Logic and Duality Theory Group, Université Côte d'Azur

  • Logic and Reasoning Group, IIIA-CSIC, Barcelona

  • Logic Group, Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Sciences

If you would like to join as a speaker, please email the organizers.