Reading seminar:
non-local games

Contact infos

This seminar was established by Alexander Frei and Laura Mančinska, and currently running by Laura Mančinska, David Roberson and Taro Spirig.

If you wish to be added to the mailing list and for more infos, feel free to contact:
Laura Mancinska or David Roberson or Taro Spirig

Upcoming talks

Tina Zhang, Succinct arguments for QMA from standard assumptions via compiled nonlocal games, ref

, slides Past talks

Priyanga Ganesan, Nonlocal games with quantum input and output

Kieran Mastel, Two prover perfect zero-knowledge for MIP*, ref, slides 

Ranyiliu Chen, Compiled nonlocal games, ref1, ref2, ref3, slides

Itai Leigh, Free Non-locality, ref, slides

Connor Paddock, Near-perfect strategies for constraint system nonlocal games and approximate representations, ref, slides

Prem Nigam Kar, NPA hierarchy for graph isomorphism and homomorphism indistinguishability, slides

David Cui, A computational Tsirelson's theorem for the value of compiled XOR games, ref, slides

Harold Nieuwboer, The NPA hierarchy and non-local games, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, slides

Li Liu, C*-model for infinite dimensional quantum systems, ref 1, ref 2, slides

Daniel Gromada, Quantum symmetries of quantum channels

Taro Spirig, Approximation algorithm for noncommutative constraint satisfaction problems reference, slides

Yuming Zhao, Positivity, sum of squares, and decision problems in quantum information,   reference, slides

Owidiusz Makuta, Network-based definition of genuine multipartite nonlocality,  slides

Sigurd Storgaard, Device-independent certification of 2log(d) bits of randomness

      Josse van Dobben de Bruyn, Graphs with trivial automorphism group and non-trivial quantum automorphism group,  refslides

Past talks 2023

Prem Nigam Kar,           Pauli braiding test (part3), reference here

Prem Nigam Kar,           Pauli braiding test (part2), reference here

Prem Nigam Kar,           Pauli braiding test (part1), reference here

Past talks 2022

Past talks 2021


Useful resources

2021 BIU Winter School: Cryptography in a Quantum World
Many interesting talks! ( slides and videos / lecture notes / etc )

2018 UC San Diego spring school: Quantum Computing
Lectures by Aharonov, Gosset and Vidick: slides and notes

Henry Yuen: homepage, Entanglement complexity, Youtube playlists
Quantum info courses: Advanced topics 2020, Quantum Computing 2021, Quantum Complexity and Cryptography 2022
Particular projects: LCS-games and sofic groups

Russo–Slofstra–Yuen: nonlocal podcast

2022 Isaac Goldbring, lecture series at Yonsei: Connes embedding <=> Kirchberg <=> Tsirelson => MIP*=RE
Very illuminating explanations: relation between Connes and Kirchberg, relation between Connes and continuous logic / MIP*=RE

2011 workshop in Chennai, India:

Youtube playlist and Springer proceedings (freely available)

William Slofstra at QuICS: Arkhipov's theorem

Richard Cleve:

Tobias Fritz: Tsirelson and Connes / Kirchberg: Banff 2012, Singapore 2011, Bonn 2010

Conferences and workshops:

Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual:

MPI Informatics in Saarbrücken: