Everything You Need To Know About Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Summary: Beverage is any potable liquid other than water for human consumption. Beverages are broadly classified as alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic beverages. Non-alcoholic drinks don't contain any alcohol. These drinks are alcohol-free and provide numerous benefits to the body. These drinks are low-calorie hence helping you to keep healthy and fit. They improve your cardiovascular health and prevent you from developing specific health issues. Mocktails are a replica of cocktails but without the alcohol content.


A beverage (drink) is a type of liquid that you consume for hydration or energy. Any potable liquid other than water made for human consumption is called a beverage.

Beverages are mainly classified into two categories:

Alcoholic Beverages

Drink that contains ethyl alcohol or ethanol comes under the category of alcoholic beverages. Ethyl alcohol is a chemical and psychoactive drug with depressant effects. An alcoholic beverage is a beverage that contains 2% to 75% of liquor. Some examples of alcoholic beverages include beer, wine, cocktails, hard alcohol, etc. Alcoholic beverages are further classified into two categories called fermented alcoholic beverages and distilled alcoholic beverages.

Non-Alcoholic Beverages

The drinks that don't contain alcohol are known as Non-Alcoholic Beverages. They're used to make cocktails and mocktails. They come in many forms and flavors. These drinks also vary in calories and nutritional value. Non-alcoholic beverages are classified into two categories which are soft drinks and hot drinks. Soft drinks are drinks that don't contain any alcohol, such as fruit punch, carbonated drinks, lemonade, squash, sparkling water, etc. On the other hand, hot drinks include tea, hot chocolates, and coffee.

Non-alcoholic drinks

Non-alcoholic drinks contain essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Non-alcoholic drinks are also known as temperance drinks. These drinks are made without alcohol, or the alcoholic percentage is almost zero. You can even drink them if you're expecting. Some examples of non-alcoholic drinks are carbonated drinks, mocktails, tea, coffee, juices, milkshakes, etc.

Benefits of Non-alcoholic drinks

Some of the fantastic benefits of non-alcoholic drinks are:

Good Health

Excess of alcohol can increase risk of health issues such as pancreatitis, cancer, or heart disease. Drinking non-alcoholic drinks reduces your risk of developing such diseases.

Maintain Hydration

Drinking non-alcoholic beverages keeps you hydrated. Drinking them helps in maintaining your body's hydration.

Promote Better Sleep

These drinks contain hops which have calming effects. In addition, it helps to stimulate the body's serotonin and promote better sleep.

Improve Cardiovascular Health

Alcohol-free drinks help reduce your blood pressure levels and inflammation, which in turn plays an essential role in improving cardiovascular health. They also improve your blood circulation.

Low Calories

Non-alcoholic drinks contain low calories. However, their calorie count depends on their brewing process and the ingredients used in making them.

No Hangovers

Drinking these beverages keeps you from the adverse effects of being drunk, such as hangovers, poor sleep, bad health, and tiredness.

Contain Natural Ingredients

These beverages mostly contain natural ingredients, making them a good choice for health freak people.

Good Taste

Non-alcoholic drinks taste good because they contain so many natural ingredients. These drinks are frothy and delicious. So, you can have them without being worried about your health.

Prevent Aging

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of non-alcoholic drinks help to prevent aging.

Prevent Excess Weight Gain

These drinks contain low calories, making them a perfect choice for fitness-freak people. However, if you want to enjoy drinks without worrying about gaining a few extra pounds, then non-alcoholic drinks are the perfect option.


Cocktails are alcoholic drinks usually prepared by mixing an alcoholic drink with fruit juices, soft drinks, spirits, or other alcoholic drinks.


A non-alcoholic mixed drink that is presented to look and taste like a cocktail but without alcohol. A mocktail is a replica of a cocktail, but all the alcoholic ingredients are eliminated from it or either replaced with seltzer, juice, etc. Mocktail is an abbreviation for a mock cocktail, meaning it mocks or looks like a cocktail. It's a replica of a cocktail; that's why it is called a mocktail.

Making a mocktail is a creative art. These drinks are usually sweet and are made by mixing different fruit juices with syrups. Mocktails don't cause any hangovers and are less expensive than cocktails. Making a mocktail requires the same energy and effort required in making a craft cocktail. Some of the famous examples of mocktails are Shirly Temple, Mango Mule, Virgin Mojito, Virgin Sangria, and Pomegranate Spritzer.

Non-alcoholic drinks are a great alternative to alcohol and allow you to enjoy occasions responsibly. Mocktails are safe for any age group as they're made with no alcohol. These drinks are safe for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and children. These beverages are not just delicious but also beneficial for your health. Fruits are considered a superfood, and they are used to prepare mocktails. They are fully packed with antioxidants and other essential vitamins and minerals. These drinks are as exciting and refreshing as cocktails.

Difference between cocktail and mocktail

You often hear words like cocktails and mocktails, but do you know how they differ? Cocktails and mocktails are beverages that people drink. The main difference between them is that cocktails contain a significant amount of alcohol, and mocktail doesn't contain alcohol content. In addition, cocktails have a bitter or sour taste, while mocktails have a sweet taste.