As Americans, we are a mixed race from all countries. We are all different in every way. But under this Flag, UNITED WE STAND! Let's unite & STOP the virus of Racism & Hate.

Jefferson Davis US Army "85-93"

Watch or Download Matt Damon's 5 minute video speech on Civil Obedience.

Play or download 2 hrs of chakra music to relax & remove negativity.

741hz Remove Toxins & Negativity 127mb.mp3

This site had over 12 MILLION visits before counter was discontinued.

NOTE: This site will be updated soon with new information & downloads. Please check periodically.  

PDF Updated: 6-6-2021

I Jefferson Davis, authorize everyone to freely discuss, share, distribute & circulate in part or whole on their social media's.

Knowledge is Power

Depending on a person's truth of good or bad intentions,

The Power of Knowledge can either create or destroy a nation.

I have compiled & prepared 2 documents. They are the 'Lock & Key' to the knowledge that will set you free.

'How to Drive Without a License' LOCK (Knowing the Path) This PDF helps you to understand the deception. It pieces the puzzle together to show you the whole picture. Understanding this great deception will help to regain your freedoms.

'Court Procedures to Win a Traffic Ticket' KEY (Walking the Path) This PDF shows you how to apply the knowledge. It gives step by step instruction on winning your TRAFFIC cases. It's also the cornerstone on how to proceed in all Admiralty/Maritime contract courts. (drug, tax, federal, etc.)

For years, I have been repeatedly threatened to keep silent. The Government Commercial Corporate's are so terrified of this information, so determined to suppress it, that they will subvert justice to succeed.

If it is censored, then it must be true. 

If it is classified, then it must be corruption.

If it is said, then it must be a lie.

My Oath To The People

All gave some & some gave all.

As a young soldier, I fought for the peoples freedom from Foreign encounters. Now, as an Honorable Veteran, I'm fighting for the peoples freedom from Domestic encounters.

My OATH is to help as many citizens against Government Commercial Corporate Corruption, so I give these PDF's for FREE!! I can't do this alone. PLEASE, helping me helps others by sharing this information & websites on your Social Media.

Note: Please think about a little donation to my paypal. Thank You.


To download FREE, click on the bars at bottom of website. PDF's will automatically download to your download file on your computer or phone.

All information is declared under the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) & 1st Amendment (Freedom of Speech). This information is for education & Self-Help. It is in no intent to bring hate or violence to those who Honor their OATH.

FREE PDF's will automatically download to your download files.

Please share "How to Drive Without a License' on your Social Media.