Cerati Scomus

pronouns : (mtf) she/her

sexuality : lesbian

blood caste : burgundy

age : 8.3 sweeps (18)

classpect : witch of doom

lusus : goat


Physical Description


  • The Assassin (Osirus Scomus)

  • He was the moiral of The Hedonist and the kismesis of The Mutineer. He was always around The Hedonist and The Apostate. The title came from him being paid by highbloods to kill their enemies, something he was able to do freakishly quiet and skillfully. He goes to fight The Baroness with Hedonist and Apostate and The Sentinel manages to brutally injury Hedonist. The Apostate tells Assassin to get him out and he listens, though she gets captured. Once Hedonist has healed well enough, the two go back to get her out. They sucessed and rescue and mind shattered Apostate, who remembers them vaguely but nothing else. The three spend a lot of time off the grid, helping Apostate get back to herself, where the Assassin occasionally takes a job to earn them money. The Mutineer finds them in a bar far later and she explains everything that happened to her, all the people she lost. The three agree to help her fight the Sentinel, Headsman, and their army. When the fight ends with all the enemies (and the Mutineer) dead, they write to the Wanderer and Pacifist and go visit them. They set up their decendents survival (mainly for Apsotate since she's limeblooded) The rest of their lives are spent together, the three of them, until they all go down fighting in the last battle of the renaissance. The Assassin goes out a hero.


matesprite : Alumra


moirail : Feyrik


Game Related Details

dreaming planet : Prospit

land title :

strife specibus :

Discourse Info

screen name : cordialNihilist

typing quirk :