Juniper Denali Wolfe

preferred name & nicknames : June | Junie, Babe

name origins : Juniper - Evergreen, Denali - Great One, Wolfe - Wolf

pronouns : she/xer

sexuality : pansexual

age : 22

birthdate : May 1, 1985

zodiac (big three) : Taurus sun, Aries moon, Virgo rising


Physical Description

Juniper has hazel eyes and curly brown hair, with the left half of her bangs dyed red. She's 5'6" or 167 cm and is chubby with a rectangle build. She has sanpuku eyes and several scars all over. She has snake bites, a septum piercing, an industrial, and gauges. She has many tattoos; a heart tramp stamp, earth symbol between her shoulder blades, arya's zodiac sign and initial on her upper right ribs, duel dragons and sun on sternum, dog teeth on her neck, her cats paw prints and names on her left thigh, a planchet on her right calf, and a dancing skeleton with flowers on her left thigh. HEr style is all mall goth and myspace emo fashion.



Arya and June have been dating since Halloween of 2002 (when both were 17), though they've been friends since they were 4 years old. They are very dependent on each other and can seems to read each others minds at times with how in synch they are. While both of them are intensely protective, this usually comes out more obviously with June. Still, they trust each other implicitly and with good reason. In terms of personality, Arya tends to be more extroverted and "act first, ask questions later" while June is more introverted and things things through to the fullest extent before acting. They balance each other out perfectly.










June is apart of Angels of Imperium. She's their bassist. Her voice isn't built for clean vocals, but they do use her for screamo vocals very often. Her voice then is probably closest to Zheani, though fuller (and without the accent)



Hinto (44 yo)

Anastasia (42 yo)

Relationship with them :


Willow (14 yo)

Violet (8 yo)

Relationship with them :

Religion & Ethnicity

  • Juniper is Navajo and Spanish (75/25)

  • She's Neopagan/Dinè

Random / Fun Facts