Jennifer Annamarie Deville

preferred name & nicknames : Jen/JD | JD, Jenny, Deville

name origins : Jennifer - Fair one, Annamarie - Bitter, Deville - From the valley/Devil

pronouns : they/she/it

sexuality : lesbian

age : 24

birthdate : September 6, 1983

zodiac (big three) : Virgo sun, Aquarius moon, Aries rising


As a critical, neurotic, outsider with a quick temper, Jen has few friends and many enemies. She keeps most everyone at arms length and acts very detached. Despite this, she is invested deeply in those she cares abouts wellbeing. Her affection is generally disguised with a dry wit and angry retorts, but easy to spot once you know what to look for. Very logical and observant, Jen is far more 'street smart' than 'book smart' which she owns. She's been cynical and self-reliant since she was young. She uses her anger as a shield and struggles to accept love when it comes her way. She can be very blunt, to the point of accidently being rude. She also tends to takes things very literally. Jen doesn't smile or laugh often and can hold a grudge like a hand; it takes a lot for her to forgive someone. Jen is almost always armed, her stature combined with her job make it a necessity. Almost no one knows everything about her, keeping much of her personality under lock and key.

Physical Description

Jennifer has blue eyes and layered black emo hair with a far right part that's naturally blonde. She's very short, 5'0" or 152 cm, and has a thin hourglass build. She has downturned eyes and visible hip bones. She has a bridge piercing, vertical labret, gauges, and an orbital piercing. She has a full sleeve on her right arm (has a grim reaper, juliette's name, spiderweb, skeleton hand with 8-ball, scroll with roman numerals, and a blacked out section), along with a pulse and "Sasha" on her right thigh, a biblically accurate angel back piece, and 111 on her left hip. Her style is a mix of metalhead and nu-metal fashion with 80's glamrock influences.



Rhys works for Jen and has for the past two years. In this time, he's really grown on her. She considers him her best friend, though would never admit it out loud. He's one of the only people that can genuinely get her to laugh and his reckless optimism perfectly opposes her anxious pessimism to keep her from diving off the deep end. They both trust each other with their lives, and have proven to be worthy of that trust on several occasions. Jen feels protective over him, trying to keep him as safe from the more dangerous and illegal side of business as much as possible. They are terribly chaotic when alone together and it's a real miracle they get any work done considering it's literally just the two of them that work in Jen's garage.










Jen is a solo artist, mainly focusing on rap and metal. Her singing voice would probably be closest to Dessa, though higher pitched, with her screaming vocals close to Banshee (her voice would be the perfect middle ground between the two of them; the scratch of Banshee and the power of Dessa)



(Biological) Bridget (47 yo)

(Biological) Peter (49 yo)

(Adoptive) Marcus (42 yo)

Relationship with them (Biological) :

Relationship with them (Adoptive) :


Juliette (8 yo)

Relationship with them :

Religion & Ethnicity

  • Jennifer is Welsh and Scottish (50/50)

  • She was raised Evangelical Christian, and is now an Atheist

Random / Fun Facts