Dylan Veronica Molina

preferred name & nicknames : Dylan | Dilly, Dee

name origins : Dylan - From the sea, Veronica - She who brings victory, Molina - Millstone

pronouns : she/he

sexuality : bisexual

age : 20

birthdate : April 11, 1987

zodiac (big three) : Aries sun, Pisces moon, Gemini rising


Physical Description

Dylan has brown eyes and long coily brown hair. She extremely tall at 6'4" or 193 cm, and has a thin and lanky build. She has a prominant aqualine nose, an appendix scar, and hip dips. She has a left nose piercing, an industrial, a helix, and several cartilage piercings. Her style is mainly streetwear, 90's hip hop fashion, and grunge clothing.



After meeting in 3rd grade, the two of them have been inseparable. Dylan is more introverted and pessimistic while Charlotte is very extroverted and optimistic. Even still, they have every similar senses of humor and ideas of fun. For a long time, they really only trusted/had each other and that kind of connection has stayed strong even 11 years later. Any time one of them has a terrible idea, the other is always there immediatly down for it. But at the same time, if one of them is upset or wronged, the other is there to comfort and then kill whoever caused it. Charlotte is pretty naive and Dylan is intensely protective over her because of it; always encouraging her to learn more but not to kill her hope.




Having met when Dylan was in elementary school, she's always looked up to Arya. She always admired her outspokeness and wanted to be as confident as her. She also took a lot of influence from her style before she developed her own. Once she got older, the two of them became party buddies and are usually out together until the early morning. Arya tries to push back on Dylan's more pessimistic tendenices and encourage her to be a kinder person.







Dylan is apart of Angels of Imperium. She's mainly their producer, not always on stage, but she does sing vocals in a good 60% of their songs. Her singing voice closest to WILLOW, though deeper/smoother. She is the perfect opposite to Arya's voice, which they use to their advantage.



Armani (51 yo)

Angel (56 yo)

Relationship to them : She's never met her father (Angel) since he doesn't know she exists, but she's pretty close to her mom. Armani and her look near identical and she's supportive of Dylan following her dreams. Her step-father is the real problem


Valeri (27 yo)

Josephina (16 yo)

Relationship to them : Iffy, She and Valeri have never (and probably will never) get along but Josie looks up to Dylan, even though she believes she can't live up to her expectations. (side note : both val and josie are dylan's half sisters)

Religion & Ethnicity

  • Dylan is Mexican and Kenyian (75/25)

  • She was rasied Catholic but is now Neopagan

Random / Fun Facts

  • She has lied in every single icebreaker she's ever done

  • She's crazy flexible, like fold herself in half flexible

  • Her favorite thing that she owns is her bong shaped like a gun

  • She's a crystal girl and will insist on doing an egg cleanse if you say you feel off

  • She wears cologne

  • Out of everyone, she has had the most relationships and hookups

  • She always had a bunch of gold teeth caps as a kid because she would forget to brush her teetth

  • She only wears bralettes

  • She dowses so much of her food in hot sauce because she loves spicy food