Danielle Rose-Mary Romano

preferred name & nicknames : Danny | Dan, Blondie, Rosie

name origins : Danielle - God is my judge, Rose - flower, Mary - confirmation name after Mother Mary, Romano - Strong

pronouns : she/they/it

sexuality : lesbian

age : 21

birthdate : November 20, 1986

zodiac (big three) : Scorpio sun, Cancer moon, Sagittarius rising


Incredibly loyal and nurturing, Danielle is often the 'mom' friend. She can seem mysterious to strangers, even with her cheerful attitude. Sometimes it makes her come off as dim or uncaring. Despite first impressions, she is very grounded and intelligent. Danielle devotes herself completely to everything- whether this be religiously, in work, or in relationships. Her very sensible nature can only be overridden by those she loves being wronged, which brings out her vengefulness. She's not one to get on the bad side of; her perceptive nature means she knows exactly where to strike to hurt the most. Danielle is uncannily intuitive which feeds into her spiritual focus. Ambitious and wildly disciplined, she often works herself to the bone for her dreams. She is fearless, jumping into danger without second thought. A protecter, Danielle is willing to go to bat for anyone, even strangers or rivals. While she deeply values her connections and relationships, she values her freedom just as much and can go off alone for periods of time.

Physical Description

Danielle has brown eyes and long curly blonde hair, that's natural dark brown, with a far left part. She is fairly short at 5'3" or 160 cm and is chubby, with mostly muscle mass, and a pear build. She has tons of freckles and scars on her stomach. She has gauges, and a smiley and helix piercing. She has the most tattoos of the group; a large Medusa and skeleton back piece, a Catholic cross on her right forearm, roses covering her left shoulder, five lines around her right bicep for her siblings, 888 below her bellybutton, a bull skull under bust, a scorpion on her left thigh, a sun on her right thigh, and an hourglass on her left calf. Her style is a mix of indie sleaze and comfy emo clothing with influence from



Having met in detention when they were 11, Rhys and Danny have practically become siblings at this point. They understand each other on such a deep level and have such platonic love for each other it's insane. Rhys makes her laugh and Danny keeps him safe, both balancing each other out in terms of rush in vs. think it through instincts. They would, and have, fought people that could easily kill them for each other. There's nothing they wouldn't do to keep the other safe.










At first, Danny only takes Arya at face value; accepting her bimbo energy as all there is. Very quickly she realises there's so much more to her and finds her emotional intelligence and loyalty super refreshing. The two of them don't get a ton of time to talk early on, but once they do it's very clear they have similar priorities but very different ways of going about it. There's a strong sense of mutual respect and understanding. They end up having a very quiet friendship, as surprising as that is for them; it's found in comfortably silent company in early mornings and soft conversations about tv shows and poems.


Danny is apart of Magnolia Street. She's the lead vocalist and bassist. Her singing voice is probably most similar to Layla Brooklyn Allman from Picture Me Broken, though a bit deeper/fuller. She has a wild range and breath control.



Father : Lev (46 yo)

Mother : Hana (46 yo)

Relationship with them : Complicated but ultimately positive. They weren't the best when she was younger, not providing and both struggling with addictions. But while in jail, they both started to make improvements on themselves and she's forgiven (but not forgotten) all the strife from her childhood.


Raelynn (18 yo)

Rebecca (17 yo)

Dina & Damien (13 yo)

Ronan (5 yo)

Relationship with them : Super close, she helped raise them and still continues to provide for them. Becca is constantly showing up at the Mag St apartment unannonced and Raelynn calls her all the time for relationship help. The twins are always trying to convince her to come over and let them help with music while Ronan absolutely idolizes her.

Other Important Relatives

Alexei (46 yo)

Savannah (42 yo)

How they're related : Alexei is Lev's twin brother, Savannah is Alexei's wife

Relationship with them : Good, she and her siblings started living with them full time after their parents went to jail but even before that they always had a role in raising them. Danny views them in equal regard to her parents.

Religion & Ethnicity

  • Danielle is South African and Russian (50/50)

  • She is Catholic

Random / Fun Facts

  • She's fluent in Russian andsometimes switches to it to rant because she knows none of her friends can understand it

  • She crochets in her freetime

  • She played volleyball in high school and was the libero

  • She wears musky perfumes

  • She loves everything horror

  • She has perfect pitch and doesn't realise it until startlingly late

  • Her dad taught her to play the bass

  • She likes gummy bears

  • She was Rhys's first kiss and he was hers

  • She chain smokes when she gets nervous

  • She had braces in middle school

  • Her first tattoo was her big Catholic cross and she got it the day after her 18th birthday

  • She's an emt, she started as soon as she was able to (about 4 months after she turned 18 and finished the course)