Charlotte Emilia Adley

preferred name & nicknames : Lottie | Lots, Red

name origins : Charlotte - Free, Emilia - Strength, Adley - God is Just

pronouns : she/it

sexuality : bisexual

age : 19

birthdate : August 13, 1988

zodiac (big three) : Leo sun, Sagittarius moon, Cancer rising


Physical Description

Charlotte has green eyes and red hair with both sides shaved in a death hawk and the top grown out long. She is about 5'7" or 170 cm and she is chubby, with an hourglass build. She has a front tooth gap and tons of freckles all over. She has gauges, several cartilage piercings on each ear, and a tongue piercing. Her style is mostly classic scene kid and emo clothing, with influence from harijuku fashion.



After meeting in 3rd grade, the two of them have been inseparable. Dylan is more introverted and pessimistic while Charlotte is very extroverted and optimistic. Even still, they have every similar senses of humor and ideas of fun. For a long time, they really only trusted/had each other and that kind of connection has stayed strong even 11 years later. Any time one of them has a terrible idea, the other is always there immediatly down to do it. But at the same time, if one of them is upset or wronged, the other is there to comfort and then kill whoever caused it. Charlotte is pretty naive and Dylan is intensely protective over her because of it; always encouraging her to learn more but not to kill her hope. Charlotte is well aware of this and knows more than she would ever admit to Dylan, because she knows how much watching out for her means to her.


Charlotte met Grim when they were 13/14 on a forum and they stayed online friends for years until they started dating and Grim moved to LA for college. They gave each other a sense of calm and balance because of just how chaotic their lives were at the time. They were perfect matches, either agreeing completely or being on the complete opposite side from each other. Both are extroverted but Grim is far more pessimistic and into darker things. Charlotte got into Resident Evil and listened to her talk about taxidermy and Grim started watching Invader Zim and listening to Lottie explain Legend of Zelda. They were each other's emotional crutches for a long time, and even though they broke up they are still just as close and care about each other just as much.


From the moment she met her, Charlotte looked up to Gianna. She thought she was the coolest person alive, mostly due to her problem solving, physical strength, and leadership. At first, Gianna was anxious about befriending her and thought she would be a terrible influence on Charlotte. But as they got older, they developed a genuine friendship where Charlotte's confidence and optimism help to course correct Gianna's self-doubt and anxiety. Gianna sometimes accidently baby's her too much, but will always try to make it up to her. And while Charlotte doesn't love it, she was 10 and stupid when they met so she understands the impulse.






Charlotte immediatly developed a small crush on Danny the second she saw her. Her saving her life later didn't help either. Though, fairly quickly she realised she was just attracted to her appearance and it faded. Still, Charlotte has an immense amount of respect for Danny, finding her fearless and protective nature admirable. Danny loves Charlotte and her attitude about everything, especially her optimism and big-heartedness. Because they haven't known each other as long as the older Angels have known Charlotte, Danny doesn't view her as a ward or more in need of protection because she's younger; she treats her like an equal and Charlotte really appriciates it.




Charlotte is apart of Angels of Imperium. She's their rhythm guitarist. She doesn't often sing main vocals, but she does provide background vocals for Arya since their voices are the most similar. Her voice is a bit deeper and far more raspy than Arya's, but they have the same range.



Siobhan (62 yo)

Brian (60 yo)

Relationship with them :


Beth (28 yo)

Maeve (24 yo)

Nathan (22yo)

Relationship with them :

Religion & Ethnicity

  • Charlotte's Irish and French (60/40)

  • She was raised Christian, though is Agnostic now

Random / Fun Facts

  • She has very strong opinions on Garfield

  • She's a chronic ice eater

  • She sleeps with a thousand stuffed animals and insists on taking at least three with her on tours

  • She wears fruity perfumes

  • Her and Grim met on a Buffy the Vampire Slayer forum when she was 13

  • She has so many little charms on her phone it's nearly impractical

  • Her front tooth gap happened when she busted her face on concrete in 6th grade

  • She can't stand spicy foods

  • She makes kandi in her free time

  • She's in college, aiming to get her associates degree in music theory