Arya Irena Zelikovich

preferred name & nicknames : Arya | Ari, Love

name origins : Arya - lioness, Irena - peace, Zelikovich - blessed

pronouns : she/her

sexuality : demiromantic lesbian

age : 22

birthdate : March 2, 1985

zodiac (big three) : Pisces sun, Scorpio moon, Libra rising


At first coming off as shallow or one-note, Arya is wildy intelligent and well spoken. She uses her valley girl voice and bimbo look to her advantage. People tend to underestimate her but she doesn't let it bother her, instead taking great joy in surpassing expectations. She is ferociously loyal to those she cares about and extremely emotionally aware. While intmidating and even a little mean to newcomers, Arya is very empathetic. Her charisma is her greatest asset, making her very persuasive and alluring. She often acts as the groups "voice." Arya is super passionate about her interests, but also everything to an extent; She brings her all emotionally to everything she does. In spite of her confindence, she is sensitive and tends to snap under personal pressure. She's spiritual, though it's something she more then not hides. A romantic, people and connections are incredibly interesting to her. She loves psychology and tends to over-analyse interpersonal drama (both in her own life and on tv). Arya starts the most fights. Though, luckily, because of her wit and sharp tongue, she tends to win most of them.

Physical Description

Arya has green eyes and short black hair, parted to the right. She is very short, only 4'11" or 150 cm, and a thin build. Her nose has a prominent dorsal hump and she has obvious hip dips. She has several piercings outside of regular ear piercings. These are her right eyebrow, bellybutton, and tongue. She has a massive back tattoo of the Etz Chayim (Jewish Tree of Life) alongwith June's intinal and zodiac sign on her left ribs, a dagger with lavender flowers on her left thigh, and a moth tattoo on her right thigh. Her style is a mix of trashy y2k and mcbling with inspiration from 90s girl group outfits.



Arya and June have been dating since Halloween of 2002 (when both were 17), though they've been friends since they were 4 years old. They are very dependent on each other and can seems to read each others minds at times with how in synch they are. While both of them are intensely protective, this usually comes out more obviously with June. Still, they trust each other implicitly and with good reason. In terms of personality, Arya tends to be more extroverted and "act first, ask questions later" while June is more introverted and things things through to the fullest extent before acting. They balance each other out perfectly.


Arya met Gianna in kindergarden. Since then, they've been absolutely ride of die. Arya's confidence and voice of the team qualities are a good match for Gianna's absymal confidence and brains of the team energy. When Arya got kicked out at 17, Gianna refused to let Arya go back anywhere near her mother and told her to stay with her family. Gianna is protective over Arya in a subtle way, pushing her to be a better person and stay out of trouble. Arya trusts Gianna can handle herself but is always first to rush to her defenses. They view each other as sisters.


Arya met Madeline in kindergarden, through Gianna. They are incredibly close, sharing the closest personalities of the original four. They both love romance novels, bad television, and theatre. Still, Arya is far more extroverted and confident then Madeline, who tries to absorb it when they're together. Madeline has the easiest time making Arya laugh, with her almost nonchalant humor. Madeline was the first person in their group to come out, though Arya figured herself out earlier. They had a brief period of tension because of this and it resulted in Madeline being the first person Arya came out to; she was the only person to know for quite a long time.


Having met when Dylan was still in elementary school, Arya has always tried to be a good influence on her. She realised they were pretty similar and tried to use her knowledge to keep Dylan out of trouble (to mixed results). Once she got older, the two of them became party buddies and are usually out together until the early morning. Arya tries to push back on Dylan's more pessimistic tendenices and encourage her to be a kinder person.


Similarly to Dylan, Arya met Charlotte when she was still in elementary school and has since been a role model to her. Arya and Charlotte like similar media, though different aspects of it, and like to deep dive into things together. When Charlotte was younger, she gravitated towards Gianna and Madeline more as her main influences but as she got older she ended up becoming just as close to Arya, with them both being the biggest extroverts in the group.


When they were younger, Jen and Arya absolutely hated each other. This lasted through entire teen years and has only really subsided as they both got into their 20's. Most of the vitrial was due to their clashing personalities and their respective addictions making them both especially mean and exasperating their already existing issues. Now though, they more-so bicker then fight, keeping up calling each other by only their last names and pushing each others buttons.


At first, Arya follows Dylan in her hatred of Danny. (Never outright, just sort of backing her up emotionally) But very quickly she switches to really liking Danny. Her protectiveness over her friends and displays of sexuality on stage resonate with Arya. The two of them don't get a ton of time to talk early on, but once they do it's very clear they have similar priorities with very different ways of going about it. There's a strong sense of mutual respect and understanding. They end up having a very quiet friendship, as surprising as that is for them; it's found in comfortably silent company in early mornings and soft conversations about tv shows and poems.


Arya and Liliah start off on the wrong foot for sure; June getting super close to Liliah so fast made Arya's jealous side flare up but once she actually meets Liliah it fades right away. Liliah's bubbly personality and very "oh maybe she's a little fucked up actually" undertones mesh perfectly with Arya's bimbo exterior, very articulate interior. Once they get more time together, Arya really admires Liliah's perseverance and creativity and Liliah admires Arya's confidence and intelligence. They don't hang out as often as some of the others, but they do genuinely enjoy each others company.


Rhys and Arya are the last two to really get to know each other, having very little time to talk before she gets arrested that frst week. Still, when they do get that chance they instantly connect. Rhys's down for anything attitude and Arya's act first think later attitude combine to possibly the best and worst duo of the whole group. Rhys being a pacifist is the only thing saving them; Arya may start fights but Rhys will drag her away instead of finishing them. Arya gets Rhys super invested in a reality tv show and they torture June and Liliah by gossiping about it after each episode comes out.


Arya is apart of Angels of Imperium. She's the lead vocalist and their main audio mixer. Her singing voice is probably most similar to Scene Queen on the whole with a bit more bass to it than rasp. She's basically what you get when a woman with a pop voice starts doing rock and emo vocals.



Nathaniel (48 yo)

Judith (45 yo)

Relationship with them : Terrible, her dad left when she was 4 and her mother was an abusive addict. She and Aiden moved in with Gianna's family when they were 17 and 13.


Aiden (18 yo)

Relationship with them : Close, they bicker a ton but that's to be expected. They would both kill and/or die for each other without hesitation.

Religion & Ethnicity

  • Arya is Ashkenazi Jewish and Polish (80/20)

  • She was raised Orthodox Jewish and while no longer Orthodox, continues to practice Judasim

Random / Fun Facts

  • She's good at Michigan Rummy to a concerning degree and has to be cut off from playing because the Angels play for real money and she bankrupts them all

  • She wears flowery perfumes

  • She loves super sour candies

  • She wakes up at 5 am nearly every day

  • After she went to rehab at 18, she chopped her hair super short with kid safety scissors after having it long for her entire life

  • Her biggest fear is drowning

  • She wanted skunk highlights in her hair for the longest time but June talked her out of it

  • Her and June got their matching tattoos while absolutely shitfaced on June's 19th birthday