Noam Mazor

I'm a Postdoc at Tel Aviv University, hosted by Rafael Pass.

Previously, I was a Postdoc at Cornell Tech, hosted by Rafael Pass and Joe Halpern, and a PhD student advised by Iftach Haitner at Tel Aviv University. I received my MSc from Tel Aviv University under the supervision of Iftach Haitner and Rotem Oshman.

My interests include Cryptography, Communication Complexity and Computational Complexity.

Email: noammaz at gmail 


with Yanyi Liu and  Rafael Pass

Manuscript 2024

with  Amos Beimel and Tal Malkin


with  Rafael Pass

CCC 2024

with  Rafael Pass

CCC 2024

Manuscript 2023

with  Rafael Pass

Random 2024

with  Rafael Pass

ITCS 2024

with Marshall Ball and Yanyi Liu and  Rafael Pass

FOCS 2023


with Rafael Pass

TCC 2023 - Invited to Journal of Cryptology


ITC 202


with Xinyu Mao and  Jiapeng Zhang

Eurocrypt 2023

with Iftach Haitner and Jad Silbak

ITCS 2023


with Iftach Haitner and Jad Silbak and Eliad Tsfadia

STOC 2022 


with Jiapeng Zhang

TCC 2021 - Best Young Researcher Paper Award

Invited to Journal of Cryptology

with Dror Chawin and Iftach Haitner

TCC 2020

with Iftach Haitner and Ronen Shaltiel and Jad Silbak

TCC 2019

with Iftach Haitner and Rotem Oshman and Omer Reingold and Amir Yehudayoff

ITCS 2019

with Matan Mazor and Roy Mukamel

Europian Jurnal of Neuroscience 2019


Recorded Talks