The KeyboardEvent.code property represents a physical key on the keyboard (as opposed to the character generated by pressing the key). In other words, this property returns a value that isn't altered by keyboard layout or the state of the modifier keys.

If the input device isn't a physical keyboard, but is instead a virtual keyboard or accessibility device, the returned value will be set by the browser to match as closely as possible to what would happen with a physical keyboard, to maximize compatibility between physical and virtual input devices.

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This property is useful when you want to handle keys based on their physical positions on the input device rather than the characters associated with those keys; this is especially common when writing code to handle input for games that simulate a gamepad-like environment using keys on the keyboard. Be aware, however, that you can't use the value reported by KeyboardEvent.code to determine the character generated by the keystroke, because the keycode's name may not match the actual character that's printed on the key or that's generated by the computer when the key is pressed.

For example, the code returned is "KeyQ" for the Q key on a QWERTY layout keyboard, but the same code value also represents the ' key on Dvorak keyboards and the A key on AZERTY keyboards. That makes it impossible to use the value of code to determine what the name of the key is to users if they're not using an anticipated keyboard layout.

This example establishes an event listener for keydown events that handle keyboard input for a game that uses the typical "WASD" keyboard layout for steering forward, left, backward, and right. This will use the same four keys physically regardless of what the actual corresponding characters are, such as if the user is using an AZERTY keyboard.

The first section of the JavaScript code establishes some variables we'll be using. shipSize contains the size of the ship the player is moving around, for convenience. position is used to track the position of the ship within the play field. moveRate is the number of pixels each keystroke moves the ship forward and backward, and turnRate is how many degrees of rotation the left and right steering controls apply per keystroke. angle is the current amount of rotation applied to the ship in degrees; it starts at 0 (pointing straight up). Finally, spaceship is set to refer to the element with the ID "spaceship", which is the SVG polygon representing the ship the player controls.

Next comes the function updatePosition(). This function takes as input the distance the ship is to be moved, where positive is a forward movement and negative is a backward movement. This function computes the new position of the ship given the distance moved and the current direction the ship is facing. It also handles ensuring that the ship wraps across the boundaries of the play field instead of vanishing.

Finally, the addEventListener() method is used to start listening for keydown events, acting on each key by updating the ship position and rotation angle, then calling refresh() to draw the ship at its new position and angle.

There are several ways this code can be made better. Most real games would watch for keydown events, start motion when that happens, and stop the motion when the corresponding keyup occurs, instead of relying on key repeats. That would allow both smoother and faster movement, but would also allow the player to be moving and steering at the same time. Transitions or animations could be used to make the ship's movement smoother, too.

For example, the code returned is \"KeyQ\" for the Q key on a QWERTY layout keyboard, but the same code value also represents the ' key on Dvorak keyboards and the A key on AZERTY keyboards. That makes it impossible to use the value of code to determine what the name of the key is to users if they're not using an anticipated keyboard layout.

This example establishes an event listener for keydown events that handle keyboard input for a game that uses the typical \"WASD\" keyboard layout for steering forward, left, backward, and right. This will use the same four keys physically regardless of what the actual corresponding characters are, such as if the user is using an AZERTY keyboard.

The first section of the JavaScript code establishes some variables we'll be using. shipSize contains the size of the ship the player is moving around, for convenience. position is used to track the position of the ship within the play field. moveRate is the number of pixels each keystroke moves the ship forward and backward, and turnRate is how many degrees of rotation the left and right steering controls apply per keystroke. angle is the current amount of rotation applied to the ship in degrees; it starts at 0 (pointing straight up). Finally, spaceship is set to refer to the element with the ID \"spaceship\", which is the SVG polygon representing the ship the player controls.

Transform your child's love for technology into an exciting learning adventure! Guided by our team of Code Senseis, Code Ninjas Camps empower kids to gain valuable tech skills and make new friends. Join an unforgettable, fun learning experience!

Transform your child's love for technology into an exciting learning adventure. Guided by our team of Code Senseis, Code Ninjas Camps empower kids to gain valuable tech skills and make new friends. It's an unforgettably fun learning experience!

If the Dojo is the soul of Code Ninjas, then IMPACT is the beating heart. It is our proprietary learning platform designed to give our Ninjas the best learning environment possible. It does so much more than just teach your child to code - it helps develop key skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and logical reasoning skills.

It offers them the chance to interact with leaders from the world's largest technology and gaming companies, visit some of the most exciting headquarters worldwide, and explore various career paths that coding can lead to.

Winning Ninjas had the extraordinary chance to visit Microsoft's Headquarters in Seattle, WA! During their stay, our Ninjas got to visit Microsoft's Garage, a hub of innovation where tech professionals collaborate on cutting-edge projects.

They also got the amazing opportunity to meet with both the Microsoft Minecraft team and the Microsoft MakeCode team, as well as engage in conversations with other esteemed teams such as XBOX, Bing and AI.

I have been blown away by the positive impact Code Ninjas has had on the children in our community. Not only are they learning valuable technical skills, but they are also developing important problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities

My son has been attending Code Ninjas in Los Alamitos for almost 2yrs now, they are amazing. Staff and owner is excellent. My son is learning a lot about coding. We love the flexibility and the programs offered are so good, he is always excited to tell me what he does in the class. Thankyou for all your help. 152ee80cbc

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