Poker Run

Welcome Participants!

Thank you for participating in our Inaugural Motorcycle Poker Run. This is a first for us and with COVID restrictions it may seem a little different than what you may be used to, if you he participated in a Poker Run before.

First off, I would like to announce that Royal Empire Catering will have a food truck available from 9am to 12pm during registration. So, while you are waiting to register, enjoy some great food prepared by Chef Sean.

(505) 247 - 1173

You will receive the route stop (waypoint) information the day of the event. We have selected 5 locations around our great city, and you will have to take a picture of something or answer a question based upon the characteristics at that waypoint. For Example: “What color is the door of the bar?” or “Take a photograph of you by the fountain”.

Due to COVID restrictions, we can only have 5 vehicles on site at a time. You may stage your vehicle along the roadway on the East side of 6600 Zuni (Shrine Center) and exit the West side. When marshalled in, you will drive through the registration tent to get situated by our staff. Advanced registration is strongly encouraged. You may register at NM Shriners - Events ( . If you have problems navigating the web, just give us a call at 505-265-0800. We can accept cash and credit cards. Livestock and recycled materials are not accepted.

You may purchase raffle tickets for door prizes and 50/50 drawing at registration and upon completion of the ride. Each ticket purchased enters you in both the 50/50 and the door prize drawing.

Enjoy your ride and when you get back you will select 5 playing cards from a multiple deck for your Poker Hand. You may purchase up to 2 additional cards for $5 each (Still you only play a 5-card hand). The person with the best and worst hand will win. We are still working on those prizes, but I can tell you that the worst hand will win a $100 gift card from Cabela’s and maybe some advice on playing a different game… There will only be one winner and one worst hand even in a tie. It will probably come down to rock, paper, scissors in that case.

Also due to COVID restrictions we will not be able to host an end-of-ride celebration (maybe next year). Awwwww man. So, you do not have to be present to win. We will attach you score card and raffle tickets to your registration and give you a call to schedule when you can pick up your winnings.

Again, thank you very much for helping us help the children of New Mexico! We hope for fair weather and smooth rides.

James Lamb, Event Coordinator

Chief Rabban, Ballut Abyad Shrine

While online registration has closed, we will be happy to register you at the event!


  1. Print and complete the Registration Form,

  2. Print and complete the Waiver and Release Form

  3. Bring the Registration Form (if printed) and the Waiver and Release Form with you to Registration on May 8 along with payment (cash, check, or card)

  4. Enjoy the Poker Run!

Thank you for helping us help the children get to the services they need!