Personal Information

    • Born on 21/10/1992 , Râmnicu Vâlcea, Romania

See my CV here.

Research Interests

My main research interests can be summarized as Modal logic, Many-sorted logic,Logic in Computer Science. However, I am also very keen on studying the connection between Logic and Databases, which I personally consider to be an interesting research matter that can also contribute to my professional development (Logic in Database, Database Management, Database Security).

Studies at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest

      • 2017 - present: Ph.D. in Computer Science , Supervisor: Ioana Leuștean
      • 2015 - 2017: M.Sc. in Database and Web Technologies - Head of class
      • 2012 - 2015: B.Sc. in Computer Science
      • 2011 - 2014: Bachelor in Mathematics

Professional Experience

      • Teaching Assistant
      • Gymnasium school teacher (Mathematics and Computer Science)

Teaching at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest

        1. Computational and Mathematical Logic (2017 - present)
        2. Database Management System (2017 - present)
        3. Database Manipulation (2016 - present)



    • Talks at conferences:
        • LATD 2018, Bern, Switzerland, August 28-31
        • SYNASC 2018, Timișoara, Romania, September 20-23
    • Talks in seminars:
        • February 22th 2018: "Many-sorted polyadic modal logic", Logic Seminar, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest
    • Member in the organizing commitee:
        • September 25th-27th 2017: “Fuzzy logic meets quantum logic”, BuCal, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest
        • 2017 - present: Logic Seminar, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest

Other activities:

      • Tutoring 1st year student in Algebra and Geometry at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
      • Trainer
          1. Scratch - Animation and game development for children
          2. Web Technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery) - crash-course for children
          3. Mobile development (Android) - basic applications for children
      • Assistant Manager
          1. Grand Summer School - overseeing all the tutoring workshops and ensuring their effectiveness


Natalia Gabriela Moangă
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science 
University of Bucharest 
Str. Academiei 14, sector 1,
010014, Bucharest, Romania 
Office: room 209 

